July 4, 2017


Dylan grinned and shook his head. "I have to admit, I didn't expect all the different connections with people. Relatives and all. Of course... I'm Ty's cousin, so I guess I'm right in the mix." Not that he had much to do with Ty - he had seen him once for about sixty seconds and that had been it.

As they came to Hunter's apartment, Dylan got out of the car but paused with the door open. "Thanks again for the lift. I've got the weekend off so I'll prolly see ya next week if the Elite doesn't blow up in the meantime."

Hal gave Sam a thin smile. "Well... you don't fit with them now. I'm sure it does feel strange but... it's the way most of us are feeling around here." He shrugged. "Until we figure out which way Kirk is gonna go with this thing - and it would seem he's bent on turning Katie and Jason in to the FBI - we're on opposite sides of the fence."

He sighed and swiveled a little in his chair. He still didn't necessarily agree with how Sam had handled Aaron with letting him go, but it was done and over, and he didn't want it influencing their relationship. "As far as Aaron goes... I'd say someone was impressed enough to let you keep that task... which says a lot." The only suggestion he'd have would be to call Justin in to evaluate Aaron, but he wasn't going to interfere.

Kirk pulled into the parking lot of the Bullseye and stopped, cutting the engine. He fiddled with his keys and stared at the neon signs in the window as he chewed his bottom lip nervously. He wanted nothing more than to go in there and kick back with a beer. Maybe two. But he also knew if he had two, he would surely have three, and then he'd be loose enough to stay several hours and really get himself in a mess. Adison was his one strong link to reality, and he'd just walked away from her, which left him alone and... quite frankly, vulnerable.

It only took about thirty second for him to start the car again and head back out onto the street. Grabbing his phone, he shut it off and tossed it into the backseat before turning and aiming out of town. He had no destination in mind... he just needed to drive. Think. Get away. Clear his head - which was nearly impossible at this point... but he wouldn't be home until somewhere between two and three the next morning without having answered any texts or calls.

Jeff didn't balk as Rosetta led him to the main house. He was feeling weak and he knew better than to fight at this point. Getting seated and nibbling on some crackers, his eyes studied the table. More tears surfaced, although he didn't let these ones fall. He looked at his hand as Rosetta took it, and he nodded slowly. He believed her, and believed that that's all she knew. At least it was more than he'd had before. "Okay..." 

He took a sip of water before taking another cracker. He still felt dizzy, but at least it was cooler in here. "Thank you... and... I'm still upset you kept it from me but... I'm sorry I yelled at you." He finally looked up at her. "How do we find out if Kirk tells the FBI?"

Feeling Ashlee's willingness to accept and return his affection, a little tingle ran down Travis' spine. He knew she couldn't touch bottom here, and gladly kept his arms wrapped around her - not only holding her up above water, but holding her against him and enjoying her embrace. Just letting time slip away, he was in no hurry to end this moment. Withdrawing a couple times, it was only to turn his head and return to her lips. 

Eventually pulling away to catch his breath, he leaned his forehead against hers and grinned as one hand gently rubbed her back, his other arm still holding her around the waist. "We've definitely gotta come swimming more often," he teased. He kissed her nose playfully, still smiling, then he laughed. "People might get suspicious if we came too often though."

Hearing about Jeff, Jason's heart sank a little more. He had a hard time not letting his anger surface. Even if this all blew over - which was doubtful - he wasn't sure he'd ever be able to work under Kirk again. He didn't want Katie to have to deal with his own anger right now though.

If we hadn't told him, we'd still be miserable.

"I guess it's hell either way." He sighed and rocked Katie gently, kissing her head again.

 Your dad will be okay. He's strong. He's been through worse and came out on top. Rosetta and the others will take care of him. Trust them.

And his mom? Jason wondered if she knew by now as well. He'd received no calls from her, but that didn't mean she wasn't aware. At least she had Wes. Even though Jason hadn't interacted a whole lot with Wes, especially lately, he did respect him for all he'd done for his mother, and deep down he did view him as a father figure, even if he rarely spoke of it. Those feelings slipped through, and Jason rubbed Katie's arm lovingly.

Our families are worried about us... worrying about them isn't going to help anything. Your dad wouldn't want you thinking about him right now. He'd just want you living your life and being safe, no matter where that may be.

"They don't talk much, do they?" Jed let the curtain fall back over the window and wandered to the couch to sit next to his wife.

She shook her head. "No... but they look at each other as if they're saying a whole lot." She'd noticed it at supper the night before. "They seem very close."

"Mm-hmm. I was kinda surprised when I went down to the basement earlier to find Jason's actually been sleeping on the couch."

Sarah threw him a smirk. "Making assumptions again?"

"Well, no, I just..." Jed rolled his eyes. "Maybe 'surprised' was the wrong word. I should have said I'm impressed. Especially with as close as they act otherwise. Not that them sleeping separately sometimes means it's that way all the time, I just..." He paused and tried to backpedal. "I mean, it... well just because... that's not what I meant to say."

Sarah's eyes twinkled as she grinned at him. "And what did you mean to say, my dear?"

Jed sank down further into the couch as his wife moved closer and slung an arm around him. "I don't know anymore."

"Yes you do." Sarah poked him in the ribs.

"Well I just mean I don't know them from Adam, but they seem to have morals that most young people dowadays don't have, and that impresses me."

Sarah smiled and let her head rest on his chest. "I think you're right. I think they're pretty clean cut. Katie would have to be or her aunt would be all over her."

Jed chuckled. "Probably." He sighed and put his arm around her. "Ever think about visiting the ranch? Might be fun to see what it looks like now. Meet Rosetta's husband."

"Ya know, to be honest, I think about her all the time, but I guess I never thought about going for a visit. Seems right now they've got a lot going on."

"Oh I didn't mean now. Just sometime." He ran his fingers along her arm absentmindedly. "Any clue what's really happening with Jason and Katie?"

"Nope. Just that someone is looking for them and they needed a safe haven."

"Well... I'm glad we could help."

"Me too." Sarah snuggled in closer. "Wake me up when the oven beeps."