July 25, 2017


"Definitely worth it." Travis smiled and leaned down to give Ashlee one last kiss before parting. He did glance over his shoulder once though as he headed for his own bunkhouse, a smile still on his lips.

Mick sighed a she stepped up on the porch and opened the door for Rosetta. "I know he snapped at Wes a while back but refused to talk about it. Not sure he'd talk to me either, but it might be worth a try. Maybe I'll see if I can catch him sometime tomorrow." 

Once inside, he stopped to give Rosetta a warm hug and a kiss. "I wanna check a few messages, then I'll come to bed." 

Clint was still on the couch when he heard the front door open and close. He knew he should have been at the bonfire, but he just... didn't have any motivation. He just felt... numb. And tired. Always tired. 

His eyes drifted shut again until he realized he'd dozed off for at least another fifteen minutes, and the house was quiet again. Sighing, he finally pulled himself up and trudged down the hall. After undressing, he slipped silently into bed with Wendy and stared up at the dark ceiling. Another day gone. That meant another day would come tomorrow. The same as every other day. Nothing ever changed.

 "Of course." Jason finally stood and offered Katie a hand up, too. He yawned, then picked up his guitar and slipped an arm around her shoulders to head back into the ranch yard. "Since we've got a flight back tomorrow, at least we can stick around long enough for breakfast and to say goodbye to anyone."

And by this time tomorrow... we'll know just where we really stand with Kirk.

Eli pursed his lips sadly and nodded. He wished Jett had never been approached, let alone sucked into this whole thing. But what was done was done, and all they could do was try to pull him out. 

Hearing about the black car, he quirked an eyebrow. "Hmm. Not sure. Reese said since we weren't sure what Jett was going to do that he might put someone on his tail to make sure he didn't run, but I don't know if that ever happened. I'll go ask though. I'm glad you noticed." He didn't want to waste any time either, and left to go straight to talk to Reese. 

In the interrogation room, Jett's eyes were glued to the table. "I told you," he repeated. "All I know is they called one of the guys Nick. But the other one didn't even use his name."

Garret set his hands on the table across from him and lowered himself until he was eye-level with Jett. "You know more than you're saying! Think!" he demanded.

"I am!" Jett fought back tears. Stupid tears. "I can't help it they didn't tell me any more than that!" 

"Yet you went with them anyway?!" Garret straightened and threw up his hands. "What part of suspicious do you not understand? I mean, seriously."

"I'm just dumb I guess, okay?!" Jett still refused to look up at him as his face grew hot. "The recruiter's name is Shawn but I don't know a last name. One guy was Nick - he's the blonde in the surveillance footage - and that's all I know." 

"Why did they want the intel that was stolen?"

"I don't know!" 

"You had to have heard someone talking!"

"I didn't!" Jett choked as he struggled not to let the tears fall. "Shawn said drive, so I did! He told me where and when to be, I showed up, the guys piled in, we went to the lab, they went in, came out, and I drove them back. That was it!" 

Garret sighed as he paced a small circle. "Did you ever once think things didn't feel quiet legit?"

"They... they told me it was all undercover. Like the military, only different. I... I... I thought I was helping with a good cause."

"By breaking an entering and stealing?" 

"They said the company who owned the lab were doing illegal things."

"And you just believed them?"

Jett bit his lip. 

Garret rolled his eyes. "What about now? Are you finally convinced?"

"I don't know what to think." Jett swiped at his eyes. "Can I go now?" 

"Not until we have a signed testimony from you about what happened." Garret aimed for the door. "I'll get the form. Don't leave." He left the door open as he went to Susanne's office.

Left alone, Jett folded his arms on the table and leaned forward to rest his head on them, hiding his face.  

Dylan did a double-take as he saw Destiny in the break room, and stopped his route in order to slip in and see her. "Destiny...?" He furrowed his brow and thumbed into the hall. "I just saw Jett in the interrogation room... he looks horrible. What happened? I mean, what are you guys doing here?"