July 25, 2017


As Travis licked her finger Ashlee laughed again before giving him a little shove. She hadn't expected him to do that so it made her giggle a little more as she finger tingled. Hearing his comment she could feel a little color come to her cheeks.

    "Mmmm...I can be sweet just, don't take a bite out of me."

Leaning into him as he put his arm around her Ashlee felt so warm and cozy she could feel her eyes start to grow heavy. She was just so comfortable right there. In a sleepy voice, she mumbled.

   "You make a comfortable pillow, don't move a muscle."

Getting back into the car with Jett Destiny thought for a long moment. She really didn't know the Elite all that well but as far as she did know they didn't make empty threats. Looking at Jett She could see the worry on her friends face and she hated it, but there was no point in beating around the bush either.

   "I don't think they would just be bluffing honestly. The Elite does a lot of good, and helps a lot of people who have been miss lead, but they also don't mess around either. It's either you help them and they help you, or you go to jail."

Putting her key in the ignition she started her jeep so she could turn the AC on at least while they sat there. 

   "I don't know about you but I kinda don't want to have to visit my friend behind bars. Still want to go?"

Seeing Dylan and Eli come into the little diner Scarlet gave a wave. Seeing them joking around she smiled. It was nice to see Dylan had made some friends while being here and she didn't mind he joined them at all.

Returning Eli's kiss she smiled at him before looking to Dylan and leaning into the table a little bit.

   "He is pushy...with other people. He knows better than to be pushy with me. Next time he gets under your skin just threaten him that you are going to tell me. "

Looking to Eli again Scarlett grinned a little bigger before looking down at the menu quickly.

   "So what are we having today?"

Seeing Carson come in Misty smiled and gave him a little wave as she finished cutting the french bread for garlic toast. As Carson came up behind her Misty leaned into him and looked over her shoulder giving him a kiss.

    "He's been asleep for a little bit now. I figured I would just let him till dinner was ready. He probably hasn't had a peaceful night sleep in a long time. I sensed he didn't want to be alone yet. I hope you don't mine I told him he could use the spare room."

Misty turned to look at Carson and give a smile leaning aganst the counter. She really did hope he didn't mind at all.

   "I think its going to take him a little bit before things are normal again for him. He says he can't remember what happened but...I think his mind is just blocking the memories to protect him. I cant imagen what he went through and I just want to make it as easy as I can for him and as safe as possible."