July 25, 2017

Any Luck

Standing with Travis at the bunk Ashlee smiled though she was in a sleepy state. She always liked spending time with Travis and she could feel herself wanting to spend more time with him. Was this what love was about? Is that really what this was? Travis meant a lot to her and the more time they spent together the closer they got.

   "With any luck, we will get what..five hours of sleep? It was worth it though! Sleep well, Travis."

Walking into the Elite Destiny always had a strange feeling in her stomach. It was a place that helped her but yet, it held so many bad memories. From her parents to Chance, to the Agency in general. Seeing Garret she smiled a little and nodded.

   "I won't be far, if you need me, Jett, just let them know and I'll come. ok?"

Just sitting in the break room and thumbing through her phone Destiny looked up hearing Eli's voice and smiled. Thinking for a long second her smiled faded a little as she sat up. 

   "He's...not well but trying to have in there the best he can. In time I think he will be ok but...its going to be a little bit to get there."

Silent for a second Destiny just thought about the whole day and something worried her. Maybe it was nothing, or maybe it was something. At this point, she was more worried about Jett them herself and his safety is what really mattered to her. 

   "Hey Eli, Last night and this morning there has been a black car that's been following Jett. I didn't draw attachen to it because I didn't want to freak him out but I am pretty sure Jett noticed it too. I mentioned it because I didn't know if it was one of your guys, or  if it was in fact Agency, could just be someone Jett ticked off too but I thought it was at least worth a mention."

Getting to the house Rosetta looked to where Mick was looking and saw Wendy walking back to the house alone. Letting out a small sigh she felt bad for Wendy, and bad for Clint too not know what to do to help.

   "I think it is. I hardly see Wendy smile anymore and I know Jade helps with the kids a lot but...I don't think Clint does much. Its a rarity to see him anywhere but home and the shop."

I think I'll go see if my old bunk it free. That way I am by dad so in the morning I can say goodbye.

There was a small sadness to her statement but she knew they did have to go. She also knew that would be back soon too it was just always hard to say goodbye. 

   "Thanks for taking the detour to come. Coming back soon would be nice."