July 9, 2017


Letting her eyes fly open as she was whacked in the head Adison blinked before turning to Kirk and grinning. She knew he more than likely forgot she was on the couch with him.

   "You did fall asleep on me, but that's ok. I'm just happy you were able to be relaxed enough to do so."

Giving him a quick kiss and sitting up Adison gave a stretch before leaning back so her back was resting on his stomach. Looking at him she wondered if he really thought she would have left just because he had fallen asleep.

   "Told ya I was going to play hooky today with you. Falling asleep on me did not change that. Unless you want me to go...then I can...."

   "Good because if not I'd have to give JT a peace of my mind."

Misty's eyes just roamed Alec's face. Even if he didn't look so good, he was alive and that really was all she cared about. She had dreamed about what would happen if he was ever found alive, and yet everything was just so unreal. Maybe that was why she had such a firm grip on his hand.

   "I'm crying because I've dreamed of you being alive. Not a moment passed I didn't think of you and now...here you are. I just hope if this is a dream I won't ever wake from it."

Shifting a little Misty slid in next to Alec on the bed. If the nurses came in her new they wouldn't be happy but she didn't care.

   "I'm going to have to bring you some good food. Maybe after I got home and tell Carson you are alive we can bring some back..."

Misty's words trailed off for a second. He didn't know any of that.

   "..Things are going ok. I have good days, and I have bad days. Carson and I are back together trying to make things work. He bought a house we are fixing up. Other than that, things are going pretty good. Just trying to take it one day at a time."

   "I won't tell her, as long as you won't get to worked up when I kick your butt."

Rosetta's eyes twinkled as she sat down next to Jeff. It wasn't often she played cards like she use too so she didn't even know if she was still any good but it was fun to mess around with Jeff anyways.

Picking up a card and looking at what she had Rosetta thought for a long moment. Playing her card she looked at Jeff and gave a small smiled. She didn't know for sure if they were ok but she had to believe they were.

   "I do believe they are and if not I think I would have heard something. Katie and Jason are strong, they have been through worse. We just have to keep believing they are ok."

Opening the door at the sound of the door bell Dalton smiled seeing Dylan. He was happy he had come after all. He was worried that he might not. 

   "Hey come on in."

The apartment wasn't big but it was easy to tell a giant lived there. It was relatively clean and lite up well. One wall had three different bookshelves filled with DVDs. 

   "So the bathroom is down the hall, the kitchen is over there, living room and then there is a little back area. I ordered the pizza already, I got just a cheese and then a pepperoni too. I wasn't sure what you liked. Go ahread and pick a movie, I'll grab some drinks. Do you want coke or sprite?"

Standing next to Hunter Ryan gave a nod to Zan. Following Hunter's gaze to where Thunder was she let out a sigh. She wished he wouldn't be back though she knew that was just wishful thinking. Hopfully he wouldn't be around as often or if Zan beat him tonight he wouldn't be around anymore at all. 

   "Keep your head on straight, you can beat him."

Destiny came up along side Zan and wrapped her arm around his giving it a squeeze and smiling at him. She was nervous for him but had faith he could do it.

   "You can do this, I know you can. Have a little faith in yourself, and dont give up before you started."

Leaning up she gave him a quick kiss before letting him go. She wished She could be right next to him but new she couldn't. So she would be waiting at the finish line instead with the others.