July 12, 2017

Means a Lot

Looking down at Adison, Reese's expression was one of understanding, and he nodded slowly. "As you've probably come to know, around here we follow our guts. Our instincts. Along with that come a lot of decisions based perhaps more on emotions than logic, which sometimes is good and... sometimes, I admit, is bad. But in the end... no one here ever turns their back on someone they care for... even if we don't necessarily agree with their point of view. That said... if things come to a head and you need to follow Kirk regardless... I won't ask you to do otherwise, nor will I hold it against you."

Skirting around his desk, he used his keyboard while standing to pull up some records, and typed in some information. Moving to a locked drawer, he opened it and took a few moments to find what he wanted before returning to Adison. He held out an Elite badge to her. "Let me know when you're officially resigned from the FBI, and... welcome to the team." He wasn't sure how Kirk was going to feel about this - or even the FBI. But even though he'd been so discouraged lately, he never would go down without a fight. And as long as people wanted to be a part of this team, he'd let them. Especially someone like Adison who would very much add to the Elite as a well-trained agent. "And just for the record... thank you for believing in the Elite. On a personal level... it means a lot."

Dani trotted to the door as she heard the doorbell and didn't even check before opening it. She knew it had to be Dalton. Opening it and seeing him with the flowers, a smile spread on her face. "Awww..." She came out onto the porch and stood up on her tiptoes to give him a hug then tugged on his collar to pull him down for a kiss. "You are too sweet. Mm... and you smell good too." 

She grinned as she took the flowers and looked them over, her pleasure showing in her eyes. "Let me put these in some water. Come in and help me carry stuff to the car." Heading back inside to the kitchen, she opened a cupboard, but the vase she wanted was on the top shelf. After several tries, it was evident she couldn't reach it. "Um..." She gave Dalton a sheepish look. "I need someone tall. Happen to know anybody?"

Eli stepped into the house and tried to give Destiny a reassuring look. "Zan is just fine. Well, I'm assuming he is. This is about something else actually." He glanced to the living room. "Mind if we sit?" 

Once settled in a chair, he leaned forward to rest his elbows on his knees. "I know some of your history, so I know you're a safe person to tell this to. I also know you understand the importance of security, and this is something that can't be told to anyone else." He took a deep breath. "I work for the Eite on a contract basis. Other than them, the only other people who know right now are Scarlet and my sister." At least Destiny knew well about the Elite so he didn't have to explain any of that. What he did do was explain exactly what his role was and how he was involved from an undercover standpoint - all which also proved he knew far more about Destiny than he'd let on before. 

"...so lately I've been keeping my eye out at the races in particular," he concluded. "Which... brings me to the whole reason for being here today. Last night a science lab was broken into and we think it was Agency related. We also think it was pulled off by new recruits and... one of them was Jett." Pausing, his face grew more solemn. "I think he was targeted by the Agency and got pulled in - I'm assuming this was his first assignment though, which means he's not too far gone. Reese has given me permission to try to pull him out without an arrest because I know him personally." 

He waited again, just letting the information sink in. "I'm afraid just simply telling Jett that the Agency is bad isn't going to be enough. He's desperate to fit in, and that desperation is going to drive him further into their arms. I... would like to use more of a shock method to get him to see just what he's getting involved with and... I'd like your help, if you're willing. He knows you - he likes you - and if he saw you in danger... it might be enough to jar him into reality."

Cocking his head, he studied Destiny's face. "If this hits too close to home, I understand, and I won't ask again. I just think your presence would help. I don't want Jett to know I'm involved because I can't be sure he won't tell someone about me. But... I had an idea for having you 'kidnapped' by the Agency... played by Garret Jackson - the ex-operative whose working for the Elite now. He'd nab Jett too, maybe rough him up just enough to get his attention, then leave him alone with you. No one could explain the Agency's true motives better than you could. That, combined with experiencing the brutality firsthand... might be enough." 

Home. That sounded nice. How much time had really passed? Oh yeah... several months. Alec finished his slice of pizza and started in on the second. He really was still experiencing quite a bit of pain, but he hated being here. The sterile smells reminded him too much of one of the rooms he'd been held in with the Agency. He wasn't going to say so though. He didn't want to talk about it. 

After a few minutes of silence, he finally nodded. "I just... want things to be normal again. Feels like I've just woken up from a nightmare like no time has passed but... it has." 

Carson's hand slipped down to his side to find Misty's. All of this was so unreal and so overwhelming, even for him. It really did feel like the last few months had just... vanished. And yet so many things had changed. "Sounds like Reese is keeping things low-keyed for a little while but... I know we're not the only ones who are gonna be happy to see you." He suddenly thought of Dani. Their own relationship hadn't ever quite gotten back to what it was since his fake affair, but at least she came by to the restaurant now for meals once in a while and things felt like they were starting to get better again. It was just slow, and in all reality, he couldn't blame her. "We need tell Dani."

Oh yeah. Alec's eyes lit up just a little. He and Dani had started getting along pretty well, really, in spite of all they'd been through. "She... kinda upset when you all thought I was dead?"

Carson gave a short laugh. "Um. Yeah. Most of us were, Alec." His expression turned into a slight frown. "Didn't you think any of us cared?" 

Alec's eyes fell once again and he took his time chewing. "Yeah... sure... I dunno." He finally glanced up again, his face showing a look of a little boy with no confidence. "I guess I... well when I didn't get rescued, I.... well I figured..." He shrugged and just took another bite of pizza to avoid voicing his thoughts. 

Carson sighed and was about to respond when JT came into the room.

"Well hi, guys." He smiled, glad to see Misty and Carson there. Spotting the pizza, he smirked. "I'm gonna pretend I didn't see that." He held a clipboard in his arms and let his eyes move to Misty in particular. "Think we're doing a good enough job taking care of him, doctor?"