July 16, 2017


Jett continued to keep his face turned as Destiny spoke. He wasn't sure he believed her when she said she and Zan cared. Nobody cared that much. 

He moved just a little to pick up the tylenol and down it with a swig of coffee, then returned his head to his arms again. Though he knew he needed to eat, as his mouth watered, his stomach churned, making him wish he was still asleep on the couch. He didn't want to listen to this either. He didn't want to hear about what he should do or should be. It wasn't true. He had no worth and nothing to offer the world. That had just been proven time and time again, and this last mistake took the cake. 

Destiny's words cut deep, causing more tears to surface. He knew if he was feeling better, he wouldn't have such a hard time controlling his emotions, but as it was, he felt very much out of control, and he didn't like it. Just keeping his head down and his face hidden, he could do little but just let the tears fall. It was many long minutes before he lifted his head again, his eyes red and puffy. He didn't look up at Destiny though. That would require more courage than he had right now. He was a mess and he knew it. This was the second time she'd been here for him when he didn't deserve it, and even with her explanation, he still didn't understand it.

Eventually, he did take a piece of toast and nibble on the corner, trying to get his stomach to calm down and hoping it didn't just come back up again. "I've..." His voice cracked, and he cleared his throat. "I've never been worth much to anyone," he mentioned softly. "My own parents didn't want me... nobody ever wanted to adopt me. I just..." He shrugged. "Got tossed around and... and I learned fast that it was just a fact of life." 

He took a shaky sip of coffee and grimaced before returning his head to his arms. His face was turned this time at least, although he still wasn't brave enough to look at Destiny. "I... I've never been smart enough or... or strong enough..." A new tear escaped and he wiped his eyes. This was stupid and embarrassing. Without warning, he got up from the table and trudged back to the living room where he sat on the couch again, curling up in the corner with his arms wrapped around his knees. His head hurt so bad, and his emotions were off the charts. He just wanted to go home and be alone. Alone was better. Alone was safer. 

Being pulled into Adison's kiss, Kirk didn't resist, and returned the affection with equal passion. As she withdrew, he straightened back up, and gave her a wry grin. He'd needed that. 

Her question though made him shake his head and become serious again. "I don't think there's anything we can do. Not unless the Elite is willing to become a child of the FBI and you and I both know that's not gonna happen, nor should it." He shrugged. "I honestly think we've done all we can. Obviously the board has already made up their mind and...there's no way to change that."

Jason was napping on the couch, when his buzzing phone roused him. He'd been tired after not sleeping well the night before. In spite of having Katie close, a nightmare had come, causing him too much mental torment to sleep much. So by afternoon, he'd been exhausted.

Rolling over on his side to reach his phone that was on the floor, his feet accidentally knocked into Katie. He'd forgotten she was there.


His pulse was racing as he checked his text messages. He was so afraid that at any moment someone would tell them they'd been found out and needed to move on. And that fear increased when he saw the message was from Reese. But as he read what it said, the fear was quickly replaced by sheer relief.

"He's not going to tell the FBI... Kirk isn't going to expose us." Just lying stunned for a moment, he finally just tossed his phone aside and sat up to drag Katie into his lap and envelop her in a hug.

It's okay... I can't believe it's okay... Reese says it's safe to come home...