July 19, 2017

Too Bad

Jason hadn't planned on waking up quite this early, but he'd at least slept well - better than he had in weeks. Cracking an eye open as he heard BJ, he had a hard time not laughing. The boy was growing up fast, but still had an innocence not typically found in a nine-year-old.

"No you don't," he mumbled. "Then you'd be as tall as me and bump your head on doorways all the time." He opened both his eyes and gave BJ a sleepy sort of smirk. Stretching tall, his hands went over one armrest and his ankles over the other. "See? I don't even fit on the couch."

Mick chuckled as he came in from the hall. He'd already been up and to the barns and back once. "Come on BJ... leave him be."

"Eh... I should get up anyway," Jason reasoned. "Anybody else know we're here yet?"

"Just Trent and Eric. They spotted the car."

Yawning again, Jason leaned his head back, trying to wake up.

Hey... you awake?  

Mick wandered to the kitchen, giving Rosetta a quick kiss. He'd gotten up before her so he hadn't had a chance to even see her yet. "We need to let Katie know her dad's in his bunk before she tries to go looking for him. I know he didn't have another heart attack, but it was bad enough he's on bed rest and I know we don't want her getting too anxious, finding him that way."

"Okay," Zan agreed. That sounded like a good idea to him. At least he could enjoy Destiny and take care of Jett too. He gave her hand a squeeze and smiled. "Are you ever not perfect? 'Cause I haven't seen it yet."

...Dinner was nice. Zan was glad to finally get his steak, and took his time eating, simply liking being with Destiny and talking with her about anything. Eventually though, he knew they should probably go, if they were going to stop by Jett's.

It didn't take long to stop at the convenient store for some bread and sprite, then get to the brick apartment building. It wasn't the best part of town, but at least it was well-lit this time of night. Zan parked on the curb and came around for Destiny before going to one of the outside doors. He stopped up on the small stoop and rang the doorbell, waiting. Nothing. He rang it again. Still nothing.

He glanced into the parking lot and saw Jett's truck but not Ronnie's car. "Well... at least Ronnie isn't here," he mused. He moved off the single step and reached under one of the windows, pulling out a key. He unlocked the door and stepped inside, squinting as he turned on the light. "Jett?" 

It wasn't a bad little apartment. A bit unkempt, but not horrible for having two bachelors living here. The living room had a nice big couch and an entertainment center with a wide television, then off to the side was a small kitchen, suitable for everyday use but not for too much company. There were a few dirty dishes in the sink, but otherwise it was pretty clean too. That’s where Zan headed with the grocery sack, which he set on the counter. “Jett?” He hollered again.

There was the sound of movement down the little hall, and Jett finally appeared from his bedroom. His clothes were a bit wrinkled from having slept in them all afternoon, but he’d at least showered and changed, so in that aspect he looked better than earlier. He was still a bit pale though, and his eyes were red. Had he… been crying? Zan decided not to ask. “Hey… you look like crap.”

Jett just narrowed his eyes a little and looked between him and Destiny before swallowing hard. After everything, it was just… hard to face them. He did come to the kitchen doorway though before his gaze drifted to the floor where his bare feet fiddled with a crack in the linoleum. “I told you not to come,” he mumbled.

“Yeah well… that was… what?” He glanced at Destiny. “At least an hour and a half ago? Thought maybe you’d change your mind.”

“I didn’t…” Jett’s eyes rose just a little. His head was pounding, and he really didn’t like them seeing him like this. Or maybe it was mainly Destiny. He’d made her uncomfortable already once, then he’d gotten involved with people who had ruined her family, then he’d gotten drunk and she’d dealt with his hangover. And now she’d come here too, with Zan? She said she cared but… he certainly wasn’t used to anyone going out of there way this far to help him out. Nobody ever had. Ever.

“Oh. Well. Too bad.” Zan shrugged and looked to Destiny again. “Wanna make the toast?”

Jett sighed. “I told you I can’t-”

“At least try,” Zan prompted. “We’re not leaving ‘til you do.”