July 24, 2017

In the Way

Being drawn into Misty's hug, Alec hadn't expected it, but he found himself wrapping his arms around her, too. It sounded weird in his own mind, but honestly, just to be touched or held without risk of being stuck with a needle, cut with a knife or hit with a fist had never felt so... good. 

Seeing her tears threw him just a little though. Even though he felt like crying himself, why was she? It made him feel bad for all that had happened. His fault or not, he loved Misty and didn't like seeing her hurting. 

It took him a moment to get his mind back on track and he glanced back out the glass to see just the edge of the black tarp sticking out from behind the shed. "Thanks... for taking care of it for me." It was odd to think she kept it, even when he was supposedly gone forever. But he was glad she had.

"Um..." He swallowed hard and looked around the living room again. "I think... just for the time being, I'll um... I'll stay in the house. Just 'til I get my bearings again." He didn't want to be alone out in the shed. Not yet. The thought alone made him feel too vulnerable. "If you think that will be okay with Carson. I know you guys are trying to help but I don't wanna be in the way or anything."

Garret recoiled slightly at Nate's gentle rebuke, and he wasn't quite sure what to do with it. At least he was being allowed to go, although he still wasn't convinced Reese would be happy if he found out about it. Or Kirk for that matter. But since Nate was still in charge of him, he'd bank on that. 

"Okay... thanks. And yeah, I can go through those files. I gotta work on a few things with Sapphire this morning, then I've got my session with Eli and Dylan... then I can do those. I'll stay as long as it takes to get them done." 

"Hiding out never sounded better," Jeff agreed. "As long as it's not my bunkhouse, I'm happy. I've seen enough of those four walls to last a lifetime." 

Walking with Katie a while longer, Jeff knew he'd had enough, even if he wanted to keep going. He wasn't recuperating as quickly as he - or Angel - liked, and he didn't want to make it any slower by overdoing it. At least he could still spend time with Katie while she was here, even if it was sitting in the living room - which they did to each lunch, followed by a card game, followed by a movie, during which he dozed off a few times, but insisted on not going back to his bunkhouse. 

By that evening, the suggestion of a bonfire had spread throughout the ranch, and it was agreed as a good idea, not just because Katie and Jason were there, but because it had been a while since they'd built a fire. When darkness came, the flames lit up the back edge of the ranch, and the air was filled with chatter, laughter, and the sweet sounds of music as Jason played his acoustic guitar and sang. He sat by Katie - the first time they'd actually been together all day - but right on her other side was Jeff, leaned back against the log as he sat on the ground, enjoying the warmth of the flames... and the warmth in his heart. 

Hot chocolate and coffee were enjoyed, as was the making s'mores. Everyone was able to relax and have fun - even Eric had been able to put the girls down early and come with his monitor so he could leave quickly if need be. But at least he got to sit with Stacy for a while. Even Jim had come - albeit reluctantly - and sat off to the side with Becky, quiet but present. The only one missing from the entire group was Clint... but no one asked. Jade had convinced Wendy to come, offering help with the little ones so she could at least enjoy the company and the treats. 

This... is nice. 

Jason strummed out a few cords and hummed a softer tune, loud enough for others to hear, but quiet enough to just add background atmosphere. 

I'm glad you wanted to come.

He glanced over to where his mom sat with Wes, and Kaylee was on his lap again, struggling to stay awake. And he smiled. Family. It meant more to him now than it had before.