July 14, 2017


Being helped inside, Jett was still confused. He was angry, frustrated, and now he was being dragged in front of a friend to be exposed all over again. Sinking into a chair, he wrapped his arms around himself and refused to say anything. He hadn't felt it earlier, but now he was pretty sure when Garret had kicked him, his toe must have caught one of his still-healing cracked ribs.

As Destiny brought him the supplies from the kitchen, he cleaned his lip gingerly before putting the ice pack to the side of his face. Just sitting hunched over, his eyes remained glued to the floor. Once Destiny started talking, it all made more sense. She had a connection to the Agency. That's why Garret had brought him here. To try and keep convincing him he'd made the wrong choice. How Destiny had also known about his involvement, he didn't know, but at this point, it mattered little.

Though he simply sat in silence, he did listen, and was horrified by what he heard. The Agency... had done all that? The same place that had recruited him. The same place he'd just given all his trust to.

At the mention of friendship, tears stung his eyes. He was getting involved with - and defending - the same place that had destroyed her family. What kind of a person was he? How stupid and gullible was he? How much of an idiot could he be? As much as he wanted to keep fighting, he knew in his gut that everything Garret, Wyatt and Destiny had said was true. The Agency wasn't some place he belonged. He didn't have respect. No one really wanted him. He would never fit. Never be accepted. It was just a bunch of hogwash he'd swallowed hook, line and sinker. He'd proven himself to be a total loser...again.  

After swiping at his eyes with his palm, he lifted his gaze to Destiny for the first time since arriving. He wanted to say how sorry he was for what she'd been through. For losing her family. For the awful things the Agency had done. He wanted to say how sorry he was for ever having even considered joining the Agency. But as he looked at her and more tears surfaced, no words came. Setting the ice pack aside, he stood up without a word and aimed for the door. 

"Jett..." Garret stood as well. 

Jett stopped at the door but didn't look back. "What." 

"You going to the Elite?" 

Jett gritted his teeth and tried to swallow his emotions. "For me to know."

"I can't let you go back to the Agency." 

Without another word, Jett simply walked out into the now-dark street. 

Garret sighed deeply and looked to Destiny. "He's too upset for something not to have sunk in. I know I was supposed to bring him into the Elite but... something tells me just to let him go." Pausing, he pursed his lips. "And... for the record... I'm sorry about what happened to your family." He wondered if the feeling of responsibility would ever go away.

 Things were... just going back to normal? Aaron couldn't help but be a little skeptical. And yet... he trusted Sam. He trusted her far more than he ever planned to, and far more than he might ever admit. 

He nodded slowly. "Yeah, I... may have cranked my knee when I left... I, um... I'm not sure how bad it is though." If JT wasn't coming back - which he still didn't know - then he needed to see Misty. And... if no one came to him tomorrow... he'd go talk to Reese on his own. He'd made a deal and would hold up his end of it.

Hearing Sam's thanks, he turned to look at her again, a little smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. "I... still have a long way to go 'til we're even."