July 24, 2017


Driving to the park it was quiet once again but like before Misty didn't mind. She didn't want to push Alec more than he already had with going to the restaurant. Every once in a while she would just glance out of the corner of her eye at him just to make sure he was going ok.

Finding a nice spot away from a lot of people Misty was ready to eat as her stomach growled at her. Taking a bite of her chicken sandwich Misty nodded with satisfaction. It tasted even better than she had hoped. Looking over at Alec she smiled and gave a little nod swallowing her bite.

   "I'm happy I still can, makes me feel good knowing that."

Setting her sandwich down for a second Misty leaned against the tree and looked at Alec for a long moment. He at least had more color than when he was in the hospital so that was good. Now to just get over the other hurdles.

Bumping Travis' shoulder Ashlee smiled and pushed his cup of coffee towards him. This had become normal. If they didn't do chores together in the morning, they would meet here. It was always a good start to the morning and something Ashlee looked forward too.

   "Good Morning Handsome!"

Taking a sip of her coffee she gave a nod. If she could get all her work done she should be free.

   "I should have time around two or three. I have some school I need to finish up but after that, I am all yours. A ride with you would be a nice reward for my hard work. Have any ideas where you want to ride too?"

Looking up at Garret Nate cocked his head. He trusted him, but he wondered what business he had to take care of. It just seemed a little odd. Turning he leaned back in his chair and just tapped his pen on his knee for a long moment.

   "I don't think anyone would mind. Can I ask what you need to take care of though? One I am interested and two at least I can tell someone I know you are not causing trouble in case they ask."

Katie let out a long sigh at the mention of Jay. The last time they had talked things had been ok, but they sure did have a rough patch there for a long second. She knew things were a little strange now and in a way she knew it was hard. That wasn't anyone's fault though.

   "Next time you talk to him, tell him to call you. He was always my dad too no matter what you both are. You have nothing to feel bad about, and he has nothing to feel bad. If anyone it should be me for the hard time I gave him."