July 21, 2017

Black Car

Jason's eyes drifted down for a moment as he considered Wes' words. He remembered a time he hadn't liked the man all that much. Then somewhere along the way, he'd learned to appreciate him and the role he played in Jason's family. Eventually, he'd started to see Wes as a father figure. It was difficult - not having had his own father around during the pivotal years of his childhood, he had little to compare this to. But even if he didn't say it very often, or show it very well, or even visit as much as he should... Wes had become an important part of his life. 

Wes' question brought his gaze back up. "Not long enough," he admitted. "Just today. I need to get a hold of Reese to see if he can get us a jet back home so we can fly home tomorrow instead of spending another full day on the road." He sighed. "I'd like to stay longer - if not for me, then for Katie - but not only does Reese want us back for some reason, it would also probably look best if we came home now so Kirk doesn't think we're still trying to dodge him."

Cindy had just heard the last part of the conversation as she came back in with some coffee for them both. Jason accepted his cup, even though he'd already had some from Rosetta. Cindy sat on the armrest of the chair, next to Wes. "Can't stay, huh?"

Jason shook his head. "Sorry." After the way she'd been the last time he was here, he expected an argument. Surprisingly though, she didn't complain.

"Well... then I guess we make the most of the day. Plans?"

"Nope. Just letting Katie spend time with Jeff and... relaxing a little."

"How are you two feeling otherwise?"

"Good." Jason nodded. "I think we've recovered well from this whole reintroduction to the element. I had a flashback episode the other day but we survived."

Cindy frowned and sighed. "Same old memories?"

"Yeah..." He shrugged. "Just one of those things." He cocked his head, studying his mother's face. "You don't... still blame yourself, do you?"

Her gaze lowered to the floor. "I guess maybe I'll always blame myself for losing sight of you that day."

Jason couldn't remember the last time he and his mom had actually had a conversation about his childhood abduction. He hoped the topic didn't trigger another flashback, but he didn't feel too ill at ease about it. "Just think... if you hadn't, then Austin wouldn't have had to find me, and I wouldn't be at the Elite now."

Cindy gave him a crooked grin. "Would that be so bad?"

"Yeah... because I wouldn't have Katie in my life. And... you wouldn't be here either."

She glanced to her side at Wes. It was true. If Jason hadn't been at the ranch, she never would have followed, stayed or married Wes. She'd still be in Nevada, probably still single, and Kaylee wouldn't exist. Maybe some good had been brought out of the awful experience after all. "I guess you're right."

Jason smiled. "On a positive note, I wanna try to bring Katie back here more. She's really having a tough time being so far from her dad all the time."

"Oh sure. And you don't care about being away from your mother, I suppose."

"I didn't say that! I just handle it better. I..." He looked at Wes. "Help me out here, would you?"

"Okay." Jett nodded to Destiny's instructions. He was still pretty miserable, but he'd do as she told him, if only to say had. Although deep down he knew she was right. "See you tomorrow." 

"Night, Jett." Zan opened the door for Destiny and gave him a little wave. "Get some sleep." Once he was outside with Destiny, he slung his arm around her shoulders and kissed her head. "Just for the record, yes, I'd feel bad if you got mugged. Horrible actually, and I'd never forgive myself." He got to the car and opened her door for her. "I would much rather drive you all over town every day than have that happen. Not to mention... I just like riding with you." He flashed her a smile before going around to the driver's side and getting in. 

Before pulling away from the curb, he couldn't help but notice a black car sitting across the street with someone in it. Odd. They hadn't been there before but... no one else was around. The car wasn't running so... why would someone be sitting there? He tried to shake off his weird feeling. It was probably just his imagination after watching the Avengers.

It was a quick trip back to her house, and as usual, Zan walked her to the door. It was habit by now, and one that he enjoyed. Stopping at the porch steps, he turned to her, smiling again. "Thanks for the nice evening. And for helping take care of Jett. I... need to be more tolerant. I hope you can help him find something tomorrow."

After he was alone, Jett stayed on the couch a while longer before finally retreating to his room again... along with the rest of his sprite and a glass of water. After trying to sleep a while though, his mixed thoughts finally got the best of him, and he grabbed his phone. He might have gotten Destiny's number off Zan's phone when he hadn't been looking. 

This is Jett...
Would u... go to the Elite
with me tmw? Im not sure
I can do it alone...

Hal grinned at Sam and rolled his eyes at her. It was okay they'd been interrupted. After all, they did need to eat supper, and the lasagna could easily have been burned if he'd remained... distracted. He did wonder what was so important that Kirk needed to call though, and wondered who Sam was talking about. 

"Great!" Kirk flopped back down on the floor by Adison again, lying back on the carpet to look up at the ceiling as he talked with Sam. "Sooner the better, actually. So if you wanna even talk to him tomorrow that would be ideal. We really gotta get some plans into place fast. There's a lot more to this than just the building, but that could be a big part of it. Don't worry about protocol either - just do whatever you have to do. Stay safe, of course, but you don't have to jump through hoops to get Aaron out of the Elite building. Reese will be fine with it - and if he's not, I'll take the blame."

Dylan sighed as he sank down in the couch and took a bite of his banana. Hunter wasn't up yet, and he had an hour to kill before he headed to the Elite. He was getting up a little later now, but not much. At least he'd finally gotten together with Ty yesterday, and his cousin had loaned him his bicycle so he could ride that instead of walking. Hunter was willing to drive him anywhere, but Dylan insisted on making his own way and being as little a nuisance as possible.

He quietly flipped through a few television stations, looked through a couple magazines, then stared up at the ceiling. He was tired, but he was feeling... restless. Like something was missing. Or out of place. Or... something. Did he dare think he was... homesick? Surely not. He'd wanted nothing more than to get away from the ranch. Besides, it had only been what? Less than two weeks?

He lay on the couch, fingering his phone for at least five minutes before he finally opened his text messages and started a new one to Ashlee. He knew she'd be up by now for chores.

Had a free moment. 
Just wanted to say hi.
How are things? Seven
doing alright?