July 10, 2017


   "Yes of course."

Misty stood with him before looking around the room. Seeing some pizza that had just come out of the oven she smiled to herself as she put it in the box. She didn't think it belonged to anyone so she might as well bring it for Alec. 

Grabbing the box she followed Carson out to his car and get in putting the pizza in the back. It wouldn't be easy to hide but she'd like to see them try and stop her from braining it to Alec.

   "I told Alec I would bring him better good then what they are going him."

As they were on there way Misty thought about Carson's question for a second. Alec had looked horrible but a lot better then he could look. 

   "Well...he's pretty bruises and cut up a little, I'd guess a broken rib, dislocated shoulder, and a lots of bumps. Dispite all that I think from a professional stand point he'd going to suffer mentally more then psychical."

Ryan thought for a second before bumping Hunter back. Placing her hand on his leg her she smiled at him leaning in and stealing a french fry.

   "I have a half day tomorrow if you want to find some trouble to get into."

Laying on the couch and just letting the tv play in the background Dalton put down his crossword puzzle and pulled out his phone. Seeing it was Dani he smiled. He loved when she would text that she made it home ok. Call him a little over protective but knowing she made it safely was important to him.

Hey there Cutie.
Happy you had an ok day
at work.
My evening was good. I am 
pretty sure Dylan enjoyed 
himself so I am happy 
about that.

Dalton send the text and then opened another one.

What do you have planned
for tomorrow? I have to
work in the morning but 
my afternoon is free.