July 15, 2017

New Career

Kirk gave Adison a partial wry grin. "You really think Reese, or anybody else around here would want me on their team after I've been the enemy all this time?" He shook his head. "I've given them far too many headaches for them to actually want me here. I'm not even going to ask."

Glancing at Adison again, he couldn't help but notice a queer look in her eye. What was she thinking anyway? He let it go and sighed. "No... I'll just hand in Reese everything I have and take my leave. Oh yeah... and inform him that the board is actually still planning on killing the Elite now that I've proven to them that they'll never play by the rules. That gives everyone here - including you - about three weeks to decide if they want to move on to another law enforcement branch or find a new career."

Pausing, he swiveled a little again, then gave a little groan, throwing his head back to hang back over the chair. "And... it's all because I couldn't do it. I couldn't make it work. I couldn't get either side to compromise enough. And now I have effectively screwed up everyone's lives." He paused again. "Which was exactly what Barnes had planned in the first place. I have... never felt more played in my entire life. I thought I was smarter than that but... I guess not." 

He righted himself again and took a deep breath. "So that... is one epic failure to go in the books. And hopefully I can just go find a rock somewhere to crawl under and decompose while the world keeps spinning it's ridiculous loop." He smirked. "Or find a new career."

Jett pried open his eyes, one at a time, trying to figure out his blurry surroundings. Where the heck was he? And why in the world did his head hurt so bad? He closed his eyes again and drifted off before noise in the kitchen brought him back awake again. He licked his dry lips, finding that even his face hurt. And his ribs. 

Slowly rolling over onto his back, he squinted up at the ceiling. It wasn't his ceiling. It was Zan's living room ceiling. He didn't remember coming over. Come to think of it... he didn't remember much about last night at all. Or... pretty close to nothing. His splitting headache and nausea told him he'd been drinking though. He must have had a great time to have this heavy of a hangover. 

Sitting halfway up, he then laid back down and put a hand to his spinning head. Nope... he still needed to get up or he was gonna be in even bigger trouble. Rolling off the couch sideways, he stood slowly, wobbling as he grabbed the furniture to keep from falling over before staggering to the hall and to the bathroom. He was pretty sure he could use a shower, but he was also pretty sure he had no clean clothes here. He'd just have to go home and... wait... did he even have his truck here? Who knew? He glanced in the mirror to see his bruised jaw and cracked lip. Oh yeah... he cringed at the memories of yesterday. Maybe that's why he'd hit the bottle.

Once finished in the bathroom, he came back out and realized he smelled coffee and eggs... which made his stomach churn a little more. Shouldn't Zan be at work? How in the world had he gotten here anyway? He came to the kitchen and stopped when he saw Destiny at the counter and his confusion doubled. As did his misery. He cringed as his eyes hurt in the light. "What are you doing here?" he mumbled. "Where's Zan?"