July 18, 2017


Smiling at Rosetta's warm welcome, Jason shook his head. "We're okay. Everything is okay. At least as far as I know from one text message from Reese. He said it's safe for us to come back." he glanced at Katie. "We just... decided to come see our families before we did." 

"You look exhausted," Mick surmised. 

"Yeah... just a bit." Jason gave him a wry grin. "I'm not sure it was from all the driving, or just all the stress we've been under the last week." 

"Probably both." Mick glanced around, then went to retrieve a blanket and threw it over the back of the couch. "Well... you both can rest now. You can fight over who gets the spare room. I, for one, am going to bed." He gave Rosetta's shoulder a squeeze. "We can all catch up in the morning." He wanted to suggest getting Jeff over here right now, but he knew he was asleep by now, and it was probably best just to let him be until morning.

Jason wandered to the couch and sat down with a long sigh. 

You can take the guest room. I'll be fine out here. I like couches. I like floors. I like anything that will just let me sleep.

"As requested..." Kirk flopped down on the living room floor with the pizza that had just been delivered. It had been a rather long afternoon at the Elite, gathering data, but now they were back at his apartment, and he was determined to have a viable plan in place within the forty-eight hours Reese had granted him.

"Okay. So." He sifted through some pages, ignoring the pizza for now. "What we have to do is prove to the board that the Elite is exactly what they want. We need to make sure all i's are dotted and t's are crossed in every single case report. All agents need to have gone through every training exercise that was originally presented, including the written tests. Or at the very least, be in the process of the training.  They need proof that Aaron has make marked improvement and is not a risk to society - easily proven by the fact that he didn't hurt anyone when he was loose, even though they had a fit he got away. And they need to see new protocols put in place to ensure something like that will never happen again." 

He paused as he jotted down some more handwritten notes. "We have to give the FBI complete access to all current case files so they can look through the data themselves, and we have to ensure that reports are generated on time every time. If anyone is to become a new agent, they will be required to go through the same training process, screened thoroughly and begin at the bottom rank just like any other branch. We need to set in place the invitation for monthly inspections so they can show up and check out anything they want." 

Sighing, he sat back and glanced at Adison. "With all of that, they'd never be able to refuse allowing the Elite to continue. The Elite will be the perfect angels they want. And... what they won't know... won't hurt them." He pulled out another sheet of paper. "So all of that... will basically be the grand cover for what's really going on around here. Think everyone would cooperate if they know that under the surface they'll gain back the Elite they all love?" 

Zan quirked an eyebrow before he chuckled. "Thought you'd never ask." Making sure no one was coming, he pealed out from the intersection and accelerated down the quiet street. While he did take his chosen route fast, it was actually the long way around, which gave him a couple long stretches to get up some good speed. He only took one corner a bit too fast though, and otherwise kept it pretty tame for Destiny's sake. 

Once at the restaurant, they settled across from each other at a table for two and placed their orders - Zan, of course, ordering the steak he'd been wanting. Texting Jett again, and again with no response, he wasn't sure what to think, or know if he should be worried or not. "Idiot," he muttered, and sent another text. 

Do we need to come check 
on you?

It was only a couple seconds later that he got his reply. 

"Aha... he lives." Zan rolled his eyes. "Proves he's been ignoring me." He didn't want the issue with Jett to dominate his evening with Destiny, but he didn't want to ignore his friend if he needed help. 

Want us to bring you some 
supper later?

No. I'll just throw it up 

Zan sighed and set his phone aside. "He still can't keep anything down. I don't know whether to feel sorry for him or slap him." He shook his head. "But I don't wanna spend our evening worrying. I just wanna enjoy...you." He smiled as his eyes roamed Destiny's face. "And my steak, of course."