July 18, 2017

Super Hero

You are two good to me you know that?

Coming over to Jason Katie leaned down and gave him a kiss before breaking away and heading to the bedroom. After getting ready and slipping under the covers the bed had never felt better to her. Jed and Sarah's had been nice but nothing felt better then home.

Good Night Jason...rest well.

Sleep came, and so did morning as the ranch started to wake up. The little pitter patter of feet scuffed across the floor and stopped at the couch. Leaning on the coffee table BJ just watched Jason sleep. 

Looking over at BJ Rosetta laughed at her son. He was growing fast, and his mind was as bright as ever. She already missed his younger days.

   "Don't wake him ok...he's had a long journey."

   "He wasn't there when I went to bed last night...is He a super hero..Katie too?"

Rosetta shucked and nodded.

    "To some people they are."

   "Wow...they are mine too. When I grow up I want to be just like Jason."

Seeing the pizza Adison's eyes went wide. The way to her heart was through her stomach with pizza. She couldn't wait. Leaning over and grabbing a slice she took a bite chewing and listing to Kirk for a moment.

   "Sam could definitely get the information we need on Aaron. As for training everyone how are we going to that? If we get the new building that would help and would help with better protocals too."

Taking a pepperoni from the pizza and eating it Sam though before putting out the blueprints for the new building. If there were going to be changed made they needed them to know where everything was. Pointing at a basement level on the map she looked at Kirk. 

   "I wonder if we could fake new blueprints and get this bottom level removed. That could be a safe place for stuff we don't want the FBI to see.  I'm thinking if everyone at the Elite knows what we are going...they would go along with the plan. Know we are actually on there side now."

Destiny had to admit it was fun when Zan went fast. It made her stomach do flip-flops but she liked it. She would never want to drive that fast herself but having someone else do it seemed not as bad. 

Setting seated and figuring out what she wanted Destiny folded her arms and leaned on the table. Looking at Zan as he typed. She knew he was texting Jett and from the look on his face and comments, she was not happy.

   "Well even if he throws it up he needed to eat something. Toast would be ideal because he won't throw that up and it will help soak up the crap in his stomach."

Taking Zan's hand she leaned in and gave it a kiss before leaning back. She just wanted to enjoy her time with Zan too at the moment even if she did feel bad for Jett. 

   "Let's enjoy each others company at the moment and then before we go we can get him something light and bring it to him."