July 15, 2017


Garret looked at his watch, then back to Destiny after she'd sent her message. "I need to report back to Eli. He's waiting for me at headquarters." After hesitating just a moment, he reached out and gave her shoulder a little pat. "Thanks for your help." Once outside, he aimed for the car, his mind still reeling with options. But he still opted just to let Jett go. They just had to wait and see what he did. This whole thing had been very different. But... he kind of liked it - knowing that Jett was on the verge of deciding himself to pull out of the Agency instead of getting arrested and having his life ruined. If they could just do that with others, who knew how many people they could save? 

Driving home from Tony's after helping with a car all evening, Zan was exhausted. It had been his first day at J&J's, then Tony had wanted his help - which he couldn't really turn down after all the favors Tony had done for him. It just made for a pretty long day. 

Seeing a text come in, he waited until he was at a red light to glance at it. That certainly wasn't what he expected to hear. What on earth was going on? What "wrong crowd" had Jett gotten involved with, and why couldn't Destiny tell him more? 

After crossing the intersection, he pulled off to the side of the street to send a reply. 

He sent it then thought for a moment. He really wanted to ask some questions, but decided not to. If she wanted to share more with him, she would. Right?
Guess I can check out a few
places.  I'll let you know if I
find him. 

That was about all he could do. After stopping at a convenient store for some soda to keep himself awake, he started back across town. And an hour later he was back at home.
Checked all his normal spots.
Never did see his truck. I
honestly don't know where 
else he'd be.

He was a little worried now. Even if he didn't know the details, it was strange not to have found him, if he was supposedly miserable. Jett had been on his own a long time though, and there was only so much Zan could do...

...It was after midnight and Zan had dozed off on the couch while watching some tv. His phone ringing made him almost jump out of his skin, scaring him awake. He answered it quickly just to get the noise to stop. "Yeah?" Opened his eyes wide, trying to wake up. Listening, he groaned and sat up. "Okay. Yeah I'll come get him. Thanks." Ending the call, he slipped his shoes back on and stood, shuffling to the kitchen for his keys an wallet, then heading out the door...

...About an hour later, he was back in his apartment again, pacing the kitchen as he dialed Destiny. Obviously it was very late and she was probably in bed, but he didn't want to just send a text this time. Finally hearing her answer, he paused his pacing. "Sorry to call so late," he apologized. He was wide awake again by now. "But what on earth happened today? Leroy called me to come get Jett from The Griller." Leroy never called him, let alone to take care of someone else. "Said he'd been drinking the entire evening. By the time I got there, he'd passed out on the floor. I've never seen him like this." Glancing to the hall, he grimaced. "I brought him back to my place where he woke up and has been puking his guts out ever since. I'm worried about him but I don't know what to do." 

Aaron couldn't help the little feeling of disappointment as Sam had to leave. Not being alone for a while had... maybe felt better than he wanted to admit. At least maybe he had lunch tomorrow to look forward to. His slight grin returned. "Anything that's not a frozen dinner from the break room." 

Deciding to keep working on the Death Star a little, he snapped another piece in place, his eyes focusing on the project. "Goodnight, Sam."