July 8, 2017


Kirk couldn't enjoy the moment more as he lay with Adison on the couch, giving and receiving affection. They'd been such close friends for so long that he felt like he knew her inside and out, and to share this was... amazing. In spite of their disagreements about work and the tension that had suddenly risen between them, right here, right now, it was just them and their true feelings for each other. Maybe Kirk wasn't ready to call his own feelings love yet, but deep down... he knew it was true. 

Just letting time slip by, he was finally, finally able to relax. But with that came his body's reminder of how little sleep he'd gotten the night before. As his kisses and caresses slowed, he slid down beside Adison, draping his arm around her and gently kissing her neck, his one leg locking around hers. As much as he wanted to keep going, soon his head was resting on her shoulder, and his breathing was slow and steady, signalling he'd fallen into a peaceful sleep.

Hunter just smiled, please that Ryan seemed pleased. Spending time with her meant to the world to him, and anything to help - like a more comfortable bike - was worth the trade. Setting his hands on her hips as she came close, he chuckled. "Well good... 'cause that would make me awfully sad." Giving her another kiss, he then pulled away and held out a helmet. "I couldn't get rid of these though. Replacing microphones wasn't in my budget." 

Smiling, he put his own back on and mounted up, motioning for her to get on behind him as he started the engine. 

Seeing Misty's reaction, Wyatt didn't know whether he should laugh or reach out to hold her up. Either way, he was glad she'd asked for a ride, and he held up his keys. "Ready when you are." 

It didn't take long to get to the hospital. Reese had left a while ago so there was no one else from the Elite there, although JT was keeping a very close eye on things, just in case there was any foul play. In most cases, there would at least be a police officer stationed outside the room, but as it was, Reese wanted no attention drawn to any of this. 

Alec lay in bed, awake and half sitting up. He'd been sleeping a lot off and on, and his body was slowly starting to recover enough to stay awake for longer periods of time. Of course, that only created boredom, but but then again, he really didn't feel well enough to be up doing anything anyway. And according to JT, he shouldn't be up doing much for a while yet. Aside from battling his anxiety over what he'd been through, the only other thing that bothered him was his loneliness. He understood why Reese was being so careful, but it did sting just a little. He'd left here an ally, and now his loyalties were being questioned all over again. 

Staring at the television on the wall, he finally turned it off. There was nothing of interest on, and it just annoyed him more than anything. Settling back, he was ready to just sleep some more to pass the time, when the door was opened. Glancing over to it, he expected to see JT or a nurse again. But realizing it was Misty, all thoughts of sleep were forgotten. A thin smile creased his lips. Finally someone had been allowed to come see him. There were few people he'd genuinely missed while being a prisoner... but she was one of them.