July 12, 2017


Taken off guard, Dani shrieked as Dalton picked her up. It quickly turned into a laugh though, as she retrieved the vase and was set down again. Turning around to face him, she swatted his arm. "Turkey. And yes. That's exactly right. I only want you for your height." She went to the sink to put water in the vase before looking over her shoulder at him. "You're more comfortable to cuddle with than a stepladder."

In all reality, she loved getting lost in his arms. She knew sometimes his size could be awkward for him, but she loved every inch. Grinning, she finished the flowers the started gathering up the things for their picnic. "Okay... this... that over there, and his bag and... I think we got everything."

Seeing Destiny's reaction, Eli felt had for her. Not only for what she'd been though herself, but it was obvious she cared about her new friend. He was glad she was willing to help though.

"Great. The tough part is we have to act right away before he gets called to another job. I've already talked to Garret and he's ready whenever. I'd... like to do this tonight if possible. Would that work? I wanna get together briefly beforehand with both of you to make sure we're on the same page, then let it play out."

Kirk sat on the large rock that protruded out into the lake. It wasn't his usual spot... more than likely no one would think to look here for him. His norm was to stay home with blaring music. But today... he'd wanted the peaceful outdoors. He'd gotten  up early and driven the distance to the lake, found a spot and hadn't moved since. 

His thoughts ran wild about the Elite, the FBI and about Adison. Though they hadn't talked any more about work, her decision to join the Elite still bothered him. 

He picked up another pebble and threw it into the rippling water. He could feel the noonday sun hot on his skin but he didn't much mind. He didn't want to leave yet. Not while his mind was still in turmoil. He knew what he wanted to do - what he'd wanted to do from the start - but it could destroy everything. And honestly it sucked, knowing it was on his shoulders.

"So... can I ask..." Jed fiddled with his fork at the dinner table as he and Sarah shared another supper with Katie and Jason.

Jason paused mid-bite and quirked an eyebrow. "Yes...?"

Jed gave him an apologetic smile. "Well you explained you two share emotions but... how does it really work?"

Jason gave Katie a look before chuckling. "That's a good question." He set his fork down and wiped his mouth with a napkin. "I guess...." He thought for a moment. "Imagine a river. It flows one direction. That's me. My emotions are constantly building up and needing release. If I don't release them, it's like a dam that bursts."

"Like your... flashback episode?"

"Exactly. It doesn't always accompany a flashback, but it's not uncommon. So... I have to let the river continue flowing. Imagine the river empties into a lake. That's Katie. She absorbs my emotions. If the river stops, the lake dries up. So basically I need to release the emotions, and she needs to absorb them."

"So... she feels you but you can't feel her?"

"It used to be that way, but actually since this thing has cropped up again, I can feel her too, but it's different." Jason motioned with his hands to help the visual. "So there's the river that flows one direction. Now, at the bottom of the river, there's an undercurrent. It's very small compared to the size of the river itself, but it actually flows upstream - the opposite direction. That's Katie's emotions. It's not a constant sensation though, unless her emotions are strong enough to go upstream - like if she's upset or super happy - or unless she pushes them my direction on purpose."

Jed cocked his head. "Why would she do that?"

Jason quirked a little grin.

Jed's face flushed slightly and he chuckled. "Yeah, okay." He cleared his throat and took another bite of his chicken. "So you communicate too?"

"Yeah." Jason's foot found Katie's under the table.
Hope you don't mind me sharing all this with him. I think he's just genuinely curious - I still trust them. 
"As far as we can tell, it all originates with the emotions. When it all started, it was just feelings, but eventually it evolved into a form of telepathy."

"And... effecting things outside yourselves?"

"That's... even more complicated. We don't even understand it ourselves, really." Jason took a sip of water and leaned back in his chair. "Katie has the ability to draw emotions - like she draws on mine. She doesn't feel other people's emotions automatically or anything, but she can intentionally seek them out and bring them to the surface. She can't create them though. So if someone is a little scared, She can make them terrified."

"Whoa." Jed's eyebrows arched. "That's pretty cool."

Jason laughed and nodded. "I think so too. Me, I can kind of manipulate objects. But since mine is generating and focusing emotions outward, it's usually rather destructive. That's why if I have an episode it's safer not to be near anything that could potentially explode."

"Oh..." Jed blinked. "Nice."

Jason couldn't help another laugh. He was actually enjoying this conversation. It was nice to be able to share with someone who was more fascinated than scared. "I'd like to think I could learn to more gently manipulate objects, but so far all I've done is break things."

It was Jed's turn to laugh and he looked to his wife. "Hide the china, Dear."

Sarah smirked and swatted his leg. "Behave yourself."

Jason started in on his food again, still smiling. For the first time in weeks, there was some fun mixed in with his emotions. Regardless of what was ahead... they still had some good moments.