July 16, 2017

Done Trying

   'Yeah well, you better get used to it because we do care, and you are worth something to us, or else I wouldn't be here. You are the first friend I've ever had and I could never ask for someone better. Whether you believe it or not, it's true."

Destiny stood and walked to the sink starting to clean up some dishes. She really didn't know what else to say to Jett. She said all she could really now he just had to believe it himself. He had to have that confidence he lacked.

   "You want to be stronger I can help teach you. I don't know much but I know enough to get me out of a sticky situation. It can be our little secret because no one else knows I can fight."

   "Well if you're done trying that's fine. I, however, am not giving up. It's not over till the Elite is shut down."

Adison stood and took her badge putting it on her belt. Grabbing Kirk's bag she knew he had files in it and she was going to need those.
   "I'll be in the file room if you want to join me and no...not for more kissing. I'm going to gather together every case if the good the Elite had done, every person they put behind bars, and case where normal means of law enforcement just wouldn't have worked. Will it do any good...who knows but at least I tried."

Turning Adison made her way to the file room grabbing boxes of files she spread them out on the floor and started in on gathering what she could. She'd be ready for the bored, and she would fight.

As Jason knocked into her Katie's eyes opened. Feeling his fear she just laid as still as she could. Feeling though a sense of releaf and being pulled into Jason's lap tears of joy rolled down her face. Kirk really wasn't going to tell? Everything really was going to be ok!

He's sure? We won't have to run anymore? Home never sounded so good.