July 7, 2017


As Kirk drew closer to her Adison couldn't help but smiled a little as her heart started to beat faster like it always did while Kirk was close. Just slipping her arms around his neck she returned the kiss with passion. 
   "Mmm....not talking about work sounds good."

Sliding her hand up his back she tugged at his hair a little taking it out of the ponytail. Throwing the hair tie she just ran her fingers through his hair and continued the kiss. As he kissed her neck and mentioned going back to work Adison gave a soft giggle.

    "I'm thinking I need to play hooky today too, and we can go somewhere, or order pizza and watch some movies."

As Hunter came up beside her Ryan was surprised to see him but smiled anyways. She was always happy to see him no matter the time of day and a nice surprise was always good too.  Giving him a sidelong glance she just held her grin.

   "You have amazing timing you know that. I was just finishing up for lunch."

Standing up straight she leaned over and gave him a kiss on the lips before pulling away. Her eyes twinkling with pleasure that he as there.

   "That didn't sound like your bike out there though...loner?"

   "Oh I more then likely will....but they will survive too."

Rosetta new she did need to get back though. More than likely Mick and BJ were waiting for her and she didn't want to keep them from dinner either. Standing she just stood there for a long moment.

   "How about after dinner I come back and we can play some low key cards? At least it will pass a little of the time."

Not running is a good sign at least.

Katie sat with Jason and let him do most of the talking. He was better explaining everything then she was, especially when she was nervous. She tried to hold those feelings off though she just give Jason some good emotions. 

Hearing there secret was safe Katie let out a sigh of relief. Looking at them both for a long moment Katie got a good vibe that they were telling the truth and she was thankful these were some of the people her Aunt had trusted them with.

   "Another way to help is if that ever happens again, always have juice and something to eat ready for when it's over. J always need sugar after, or his levels will get to low."

Katie gave a soft smiled to Sarah and Jed just thankful they had taken the news well. Looking to Jason she gave a nod just studying his eyes for a long moment. 

I am pretty sure they are telling the truth and there are intentions are good. I wonder how my Aunt knows them?!