July 13, 2017

Still Willing?

"Thanks, Destiny. I'll see you in a while." Eli finally left and went back to his car to take back to the Elite and talk things over with Garret...

"...Alright so... Garret? You're the man with the plan." Eli sat with him around Destiny's kitchen table. After a quick introduction, they'd set right to work on what was going to happen.

Garret shrugged. It wasn't really his plan, but Eli was letting him take the lead. "Well, we know where Jett works and what time he gets off. I plan to greet him in the parking lot as an Agency operative. I'll mention something about last night's job so he'll believe it. I'm gonna tell him he did such a good job we're moving him to the next level, and I'm gonna make him drive me out to an abandoned warehouse. There, I'm gonna tell him that to prove himself, he's gonna have to get information out of someone."

He glanced at Destiny. "You. I want you inside, tied to a chair and blindfolded. The story is, you got nabbed from your home and the Agency wants the information they never got from your father. They still want it, so they're coming after you again. I'm going to tell Jett he's got one hour to get the information out of you by whatever means necessary, and I'll be giving him a gun as well." He pursed his lips. "Eli tells me he won't hurt you, but to be on the safe side, the gun will have blanks in it. If he resists, I will put him in his place."

Eli cringed. "Don't hurt him... okay?"

Garret shook his head. "I won't break any bones if that's what you worried about. But I'm not gonna take it easy on him either. If this guy really is your friend... then he needs to get out and get out now. Otherwise, he'll be sucked in for good." He paused, bringing his thoughts back around. "So... as long as he refuses to hurt you, I'm gonna be rough on him and I'll probably tie him up along with you, and inform him that I'll be back - and I won't be alone."

"What if he says he'll do it?" Eli questioned.

"You've told me you have more faith in his character than that."

"Well... I think so."

Garret nodded. "If he says he'll do it, then I'll still leave him alone. But hopefully he won't agree to it, and he'll end up a prisoner too." He looked at Destiny again. "That's when you need to explain to him just who the Agency is. Tell him about how they manipulated and controlled your own father, which ultimately led to his death. Explain to him that the Agency preys on the weak and kills for fun. There's no glory. There's only suffering in their wake. After an hour or so, I'll come back and admit I'm with the Elite. He'll have a choice. Keep on the same route and get arrested the next time, or come to the Elite and give them all the information he has on who recruited him and who he worked with on that robbery."

Eli sighed and also looked to Destiny. "Hopefully that will shock his system enough to get him to make the right choice. If it's not enough, he'll crawl right back to them and never come out again."

"If it works," Garret added, "This method might work in the future for others, too, and maybe we can save more than just Jett. I think Eli is right though. If he's been convinced to pull a robbery, they've already got him duped. And it's gonna take a shock in order for him to admit he made the wrong choice. That said... you still willing to help?"

Dani really couldn't imagine how hard this was for Dalton. It didn't seem right or fair, the way things were going at the Elite. She really hadn't ever been too involved there, so she didn't understand everything exactly or why the FBI even had to be there, but what she did know was it was hard. She saw the stress on Dalton's face almost every day now and it bothered her.

"At least one thing will never change," she mused. Grinning, she looked up at him. "You'll have me no matter what." Leaning up, she kissed his cheek, then settled back down again to finish her sandwich. 

The food was good, conversation was good, and the more Dani relaxed, the more she just wanted to stay here all day long. Once the food was cleared off the blanket, she scooted down and lay so her head rested in Dalton's lap and she sighed with content. "If you wanna cuddle, now's your chance," she murmured. 

Aaron stared at the half-closed door, his anxiousness having gotten worse as the day progressed. Still no one had come to talk to him. Interrogate him. Take him to the interrogation room. Questioned him. Nothing. What was the holdup? He'd said he'd give them intel so... was it really not that important? Were they just that busy? The atmosphere did seem tense around here. 

Sighing, he got himself up off the bed and winced as soon as he put weight on his knee. The last few days, his knee hadn't gotten any better. Ever since wrenching it in that stupid building, it had been far more painful. No one had looked at it though. Not Misty or JT. Was this it? Adison and Pete got their jobs back and he was just left in here to rot? 

Hobbling to the little table, he sat down and reached for a lego set. He'd been working on one that had been dismantled, and now he had to start all over. But at least it would be something more than lying in bed. If no one was going to talk to him then... he'd just have to occupy himself. 

I thought about that too... our names, I mean. 

Jason's hand slowly ran along Katie's arm absentmindedly. "We could go to the east coast maybe. Or up north. We really don't have any connections so maybe it would be easier to disappear than we think." 

It wouldn't be so bad, would it? Starting over? Once we got settled, we could contact our families because it would be safer since we'd have new identities. 

And what about the logistics? What about jobs? Housing? How could they really start from nothing? It had to be possible, right?

"I don't know how to do it on our own though... we might need to find help in order to create new identities. It just... can't be anyone from the Elite... and we might have to fabricate a story about why we need them." Just the thought of all that was overwhelming. Enough so that he shut off his emotions for a couple moments to let them settle. It was too much to think about tonight. He was still too exhausted from his episode. 

Can we... pretend it isn't bedtime? I don't wanna be alone yet...