July 22, 2017


   "Maybe once everything is a little more settled you guys can come again and this time...just for a vacation. We could always use the extra help around here and I know several people who would be happy."

Taking the cup of coffee from Cindy and sipping it he smiled. She always made the coffee just right. It was a small thing but he always seemed to made it to strong. So he cherished when she did it. Setting his hand on her leg he just let them talk for a moment. 

   "Honestly, I'm not quite sure what I would be doing with you guys in my life. I'd be pretty lonely that's for sure."

Hearing Jason's next comment and his struggle Wes held up his hand and shrugged.

   "Hey, you got yourself into the mess."

Giving a grin he looked to Cindy and then Jason again.

    "I think what he is trying to say though is....This was Katie's home a lot longer than it was his, so she has a whole lot more to miss. I can also guarantee Jason misses you more than anything too."

As Zan walked her to the door Destiny smiled. She felt safe when Zan did that and really liked it. Just knowing he was there when it was late to make sure nothing happened it made her feel good. 

   "Thank you for making the evening fun. I really do enjoy spending time with you. Tomorrow I hope I'll be able to help Jett find a place too. He does deserve something better."

Taking Zan's hand Destiny smile before pulling him into  a kiss and just let it linger for a long moment. If the people next door saw she didn't care. It was late at night and they shouldn't be staring anyway.  Pulling away finally she smiled.

   "Nite Zan, get home safe."

Getting inside and changing into her PJs Destiny cuddled into bed and under her blankets before pulling out her book to read a little. Hearing her phone go off she grabbed it and took a look. Seeing it was Jett she smiled. 

Hey Hey!
Sure, of course, I can.
We can do it after some
apartment hunting tomorrow.

Sending the text Destiny then added his name and number into her contacts so she had it. It was a good thing to have since Jett was her friend and all. 

  "Alright, you got it. Monday I'll see how his knee is going and about getting him out for some fresh air. Have a good night Kirk."

Hanging up the phone and letting out a small sigh Sam headed back to where Hal was and started to help get everything ready. She wasn't completely sure everything that was going on but she was pretty surprised Kirk gave her the ok to do whatever she needed with Aaron.

   "Kirk wasn't me to see if Aaron would take a look at the new building and help us make changes to it. I'm actully pretty suprised he is giving me the go ahead."

Sam set the table with plates, cups, and utensils. She didn't want to really talk about work but this just thew her for a loop.

   "He sounded different on the phone...almost relaxed more then I have seen him in a long time. Anyways dinner smells great."