July 22, 2017


"Yes! Exactly." Jason nodded at Wes' statement. "Thank you."

Cindy quirked an eyebrow at her son, withholding a smile. "Okay well... I guess I won't feel too offended then." 

Jason smirked. "You know I love you." 

"I wuv you!" Kaylee came bounding back into the living room, but it wasn't Jason she aimed for this time - it was Daddy's lap. Crawling up into the chair with him, she nestled in with her head against him as she hugged her teddy bear. Getting up this early had been exciting, but maybe it was just a bit earlier than her little body was used to. 

Cindy grinned and combed her fingers through Kaylee's hair. "I think somebody's gonna need a nap later."

Kaylee scrunched up her nose.

"Funny... your brother just gave me that same look."

Kaylee giggled and nuzzled into Wes more. "Daddy stay here all day." 

Cindy sighed. "No, Sweetie... he's gotta go to work in town today. But he'll be back for supper like he always is." 

Kaylee's lower lip started to quiver. "But Jase home... Daddy stays home too." 

"Mmm... I love your logic, but life doesn't always work that way." Cindy got up from her chair and eyed her husband. "Maybe you explain why we don't always get our way." Aiming back for the kitchen, she glanced at Jason. "Want some toast and eggs?"

He'd been happy for Rosetta's breakfast earlier, but he really hadn't eaten much before coming over here, so he nodded. "Sure. Got any orange juice."

"Oh yes. How could I forget?" Cindy shook her head as she disappeared around the corner. "Need any extra sugar?" she called.

"Not now... thanks." Jason looked back at Wes and Kaylee, finding it a very sweet scene. There was a part of him who would like to just stay like this all day too. Maybe Wes really was right. Maybe he did miss it here more than even he realized. 

"Really?" Hal's eyebrows rose as he took the bubbling lasagna out of the oven. "That's interesting. I'd think he'd want to stay away from using Aaron too much since the FBI is so skeptical about the program but maybe he's got something else in mind. Glad he's relaxed at least - last time I saw him he looked like he hadn't slept in days."

Moving the pan around on the oven, he accidentally reached beyond the hot pad with one of his fingers. Recoiling with a little gasp as he winced, he stuck his burned finger in his mouth. "Of all the...stupid..." he mumbled. 

Seeing Destiny's reply, Jett set his phone aside and settled back to try and sleep. At least he wouldn't be alone tomorrow. Honestly, he was scared to death of facing the Elite. He'd been angry with Garret and Wyatt, but he really was risking arrest and the thought of jail was not very appealing. He'd lose everything if that happened. 

Rolling onto his side, he curled up and closed his eyes tight. It would all be okay... it had to be... 

Morning came, and even though his body was still dragging a bit, at least his splitting headache was gone and he didn't feel quite as nauseous. He managed a little bit of coffee after he'd showered and dressed, and went out on the little stoop to wait for Destiny. Ronnie hadn't come home last night, for which he was just as glad. At least he wouldn't have any questions about why Jett wasn't going to work or why he was waiting for someone to pick him up this morning. 

Leaning his elbows on his knees, his eyes roamed the area before landing on a black car across the street. Odd. He'd never seen that vehicle here before. And why would someone just be sitting inside? He shrugged it off. This neighborhood was full of strange things if one looked too hard. Maybe getting out of here would be good for more than one reason.

Not getting a response right away from Ashlee, Dylan rolled his eyes at himself. Duh. She was up by now, but she was probably right in the middle of chores. He looked at the clock again. Still early. But he couldn't stand it any more.

Finally getting up and grabbing his backpack that had his lunch in it, he left the apartment and got the bicycle from Hunter's garage. Since he had time, maybe he'd take a different route today and explore just a little.

Soon, he was headed down the street, enjoying the sunshine and breeze. If he tried really hard, he could almost smell fresh air. A car backfired, an engine revved and a siren wailed somewhere in the distance. Nope... he was still very far from home.

Alec sat on the edge of the bed after tying his shoes and just looked around the room for a few moments. He was glad to be getting out of the hospital, no doubt. But underneath it all... he was apprehensive. He might hate the hospital, but at least he'd been safe here. Safe from the Agency. Out there... He glanced over his shoulder at the window. Out there, he was vulnerable again. Not that he would voice his fears... he'd just rather pretend they didn't exist and let people think he was his same old confident self. In reality though... he didn't feel the same.

He glanced at the wall clock. He'd been told to wait here, but he'd been dressed for fifteen minutes already. Was Misty really going to come get him? Was he really going to get to go... home? He felt a little funny about it, whether Carson and Misty assured him it was okay or not. Not only had they moved on and started living life without him, Carson hadn't been there before, so with all that, he felt... like he was intruding. But it wasn't like he had anywhere else to go at the moment. He didn't have two pennies to rub together, let alone anything else. Although according to Misty, she still had his stuff, including his bike. That helped. But... where was he to go from here?

He swallowed hard and just tried to wait patiently. It would all work out... right?