July 22, 2017

Cranky Pants

As Kaylee came over to him Wes wrapped his arms around her and just let her snuggle in. She was growing so fast that soon this would almost be impossible. He'd soak it up while he still could.

   "Well...I could always call off today. I mean it is a special occasion. It's not every day my step son comes to visit."

Wes looking down at Kaylee tugging at her bears eat playfully before pulling her in for a big kiss on the forhead.

   "If I say home...you promise to take a nap so you're not a cranky pants?"

Seeing Hal burned his finger Sam went to the fridge and grabbed some mustard before coming over to Hal and taking his hand. Squirting alittle on she grinned.

   "My brother taught me that the vinegar in mustard will help a burn."

Just letting him keep that on his finger she went to the over to take a look at the food. It looked good and almost ready. Closing the door she gave a small nod to Hal.

   "That is also why we don't talk about work out of work because it distracts us and we have enough of that going on as is."

It didn't take Destiny long to get ready and head to Jett's apartment. Seeing him out sitting on the porch she honked and waved. She didn't know if maybe his roommate was home, or if maybe Jett just wanted to enjoy the fresh air. 

   "Hey Hey...Let's grab some breakfast first then, we go figure out what to do from there."

The black car hadn't gone unnoticed. She had seen it last night and now it was still here today. She wondered if it was coincidence or was someone watching Jett. It could be the Elite, it could be the Agency but Destiny would keep note and if it followed them anymore she's call someone.

About mid morning after she had finished what she had been finished what was asked this morning Ashlee started to make her way to the dining hall. Pulling out her phone and seeing a message from Dylan she smiled. It was nice to hear from him now and again to know he was still alive. 

Heya! Good to hear from you.
Things are going alright. It's
been quiet around here. Seven
is doing much better too.

Ashlee send a photo of herself with Seven as she waved at the camera. She figured he would like that, and to see his horse was still alive and kicking.

You are up early. Your body 
still on ranch time? How are you

Giving a knock on the door and entering Misty gave Alec a smile and waved. Seeing he was ready she cringed just a little. There had been an accident on her way and she'd stopped to make sure everyone was ok., but now she had been late.

   "Heya...Sorry I'm late!"

Misty smiled and walked the rest of the way in. He looked...different. Not a bad different just a he had been through a lot different and she couldn't help but be happy but sad at the same time. This wasn't going to be easy and she knew it. She was just happy they were there to help.

   "Would you like to grab some lunch before we head home?"