July 10, 2017


Feeling Ryan's hand on his leg, Hunter tensed but tried not to react, lest the others at the table noticed. He could feel a little heat in his face though as he threw Ryan a smirk. As she leaned in to steal a fry, he took advantage of the distance and whispered in her ear. "You have a very bad habit of driving me crazy, you know that?

Drawing back a little, his crooked grin remained, and he offered her a second fry before taking one himself. "You seriously just put troublemaking in my head on purpose?" His grin widened as he chewed. "You... are a very brave woman."

"I'm not sure bravery is the right word," Zan interrupted. 

Hunter laughed and nodded. "You have a point." He elbowed Ryan teasingly. "Zan just called you dumb."

"I did not!" Zan threw a straw wrapper at him. "Are you trying to get me in trouble?"

"Uh-huh." Hunter nodded readily. "But only just a little. Ryan's a nice person." He threw her a sidelong glance. "Aren't ya, Babe?" 

Zan chuckled and leaned back in his chair, stretching and letting his arm fall around Destiny's shoulders. "Well... I, for one, am unfortunately starting to feel like calling it a night." He gave her a little squeeze. "How 'bout you?" He was her ride home, and he was getting tired, but he'd gladly do anything else with her if she didn't want to go home yet.

Carson was a little amused that Misty brought the pizza along, but he did think it was a good idea - hospital food was the worst. He tried to process the new information as he drove, finding it difficult to imagine what his brother had been through. His biggest question was... would Alec be able to recover - mentally - from such an ordeal?

The rest of the ride was quiet as Carson just tried to concentrate on getting to the hospital in one piece. One arriving, they were given a bit of a bad time about the pizza box, but after flashing their badges, the nurses relented. Carson didn't usually try to push his way around by using his Elite status, but today he wasn't going to play games...

...Alec had dozed off, but hearing someone mention his name, his mind brought him back into a state of awareness. Slowly opening his eyes, he turned his head to see two figures this time, and a thin smile creased his lips. "Hey... look who the cat dragged in."

Carson had stopped a few feet from the bed, rigid in shock. Even though Misty had told him all this, actually seeing Alec now made it real. His brother looked so thin... so beaten. What had they done to him?

Alec cocked his head a little, waiting. He couldn't tell if Carson was actually happy to see him or not. His gaze shifted to Misty in question, then back again. "Hi?"

Feeling his emotions starting to get the best of him, Carson swallowed hard and looked away for a moment, clearing his throat. Finally stepping closer, he sat down on the edge of the bed. "I am... so sorry. If I would have known..."

Alec shook his head. "Stop. Don't do that to yourself."

"But I-"

"You didn't know." Alec still felt the sting of being forgotten - even if it had been unintentional and they all thought he was dead. But he knew that it was no one's fault. "I'm just... glad to be back."

Carson took a deep breath and nodded. "And... I'm glad to see you back." It was an awkward pause that followed, until he reached out to lay a hand on Alec's shoulder, but that wasn't enough. Finally he pulled Alec into a hug as he fought back tears. "I thought I had lost you."

Surprised and not quite sure how to react, Alec slowly returned the hug. He and Carson had been getting along pretty well but he never would have expected an embrace. It felt... good though. He felt like... people actually did care. Maybe he'd been wrong.

Drawing back, Carson managed a smile. "You look like crap, by the way."

Alec grinned. Even though he did look bad, there was a slight twinkle in his eye. "Thanks for that."

"You're welcome." Carson shook his head, still in shock, but trying to accept it. He glance over his shoulder and motioned Misty over. "Somebody insisted on smuggling in some food for you."

Alec chuckled then winced as his ribs hurt. "Ya know... after spending so much time at Mom and Pop's before, at one point I never wanted to see a pizza again. Then about... I don't know how long it had been... one night I was craving your pizza."

Carson couldn't help but laugh. "Oh you really were in sorry shape then."

Alec gave him a tired smirk before looking back to Misty. "I didn't really expect food, let alone so soon but... I'm not gonna complain."

Dani grinned as she read Dalton's messages. She liked talking to him on the phone too but... text messages she could keep... and there were many that she did. 

Glad you two had fun.

Got all day tomorrow to do
whatever we want :) 
I just want to be with you. 

Work had been hectic lately for them both, and she really just wanted to curl up in Dalton's arms and just enjoy his company.