July 9, 2017

Lane for Losers

Alec tried to process all that Misty was telling him. She still had all of his things? Why would someone do that? Why would she have not gotten rid of it all when she thought he was dead? Had he been... that important to her? He searched her face for the answer and all he saw was what appeared to be sheer pleasure at seeing him. Why had she, did she, care so much? Thinking about what he had right here, compared to what he'd been experiencing the last several months... was overwhelming.

Tears sprang into his eyes, and he looked away. "Thanks. I, um... I'd like that. I guess I..." He shrugged. "I don't have anywhere else to go, so... yeah." He picked at a thread on the bed sheets. "I guess I... I don't even know what..." He swallowed hard and swiped a tear that had escaped. After trying to endure the mental and emotional torture for so long, he just couldn't hold everything in anymore. All of a sudden he felt like he had no control over his emotions, leaving him trembling and raising his heart rate.

"I don't know what I'm gonna do," he finally admitted shakily. "It's been so long and... and I didn't realize everyone thought I was dead." He wiped his eyes again, feeling foolish, but unable to help it. He couldn't imagine what Carson must think of him, going off like that and getting "killed." Would he really be all that thrilled to find out he was still alive? 

Zan saw Destiny coming in the side mirror, so he wasn't surprised when she got in his car. With his eyes fixed out the windshield, he gave a little scoff at her suggestion. "Sure, as long as the ocean's got a lane for losers." 

He rolled his eyes and leaned his head back in the seat, fiddling with his car keys and not yet starting the engine again. So much hype. So many people rooting for him. So much expectation of putting Thunder in his place. And... this is what he showed them. A long sigh surfaced. There was a whole lot he wanted to say right now, none of which was appropriate for current company. 

"I had him," he finally stated flatly. "And I just... couldn't follow through. Jett coulda done a better job driving than me tonight." He finally had guts enough to turn his head and glance over at Destiny. Even though he wanted to yell and say regrettable things, he really was glad she was here. At least she wasn't going to call him an idiot. "And now we're almost back where we were, getting rid of Thunder. Hunter never should have pulled out of this one. He should have taken the race because he would have had it. He and Ryan need to take on Thunder, not me." He shook his head. "Ganging up on him was one thing... trying to get him myself... I just can't pull it off."  

As Destiny left, Jett grimaced a little and looked at Hunter and Ryan. "Well... if anybody can get him to not go walk off a cliff, Destiny can." It was an exaggeration, but he knew well enough that Zan was going to be upset. 

"We'll get rid of Thunder," Hunter mused. He kept his eyes on the winner's circle for a few moments. "His head just regained its size, but we'll get him."

"Why didn't you race tonight?" Jett questioned. "For that matter, why aren't you getting rid of Thunder instead of making Zan do it?" 

Hunter glanced to Ryan then over to Jett. "Because this is Zan's battle more than mine. Thunder's ticked me off a few times, but he hasn't made me crash or wrecked my car multiple times. And me winning doesn't mean as much. I'm not the best, but I'm already in the top ranks. Zan hasn't quite made it there yet. If he can put Thunder in his place there's a lot more shame there and he'll be more apt to tuck tail and move on."

Jett blinked. "Oh. Kinda got that all figured out, huh?"

Hunter chuckled. "Well... I've thought about it quite a bit." He took a deep breath and looked around. "I'm hungry. Wanna come grab a bite?"

Him? Jett was a little surprised he was being invited without Zan around. "Sure. Hangout?"

"Sounds good to me. Text Zan and let him know we're gonna go there in case he and Destiny wanna come along." Hunter looked to Ryan. "That okay with you?"

Kirk grinned at Adison. "Remember that when I get old and lumpy. It just means I've got personality." Finally getting up, he wandered to the phone to call for Chinese. He already knew what Adison would want, and threw in the request for a few egg rolls on top of the order too. He was hungrier than he'd thought. Grabbing a new rubber band, he pulled the top half his hair back to keep it out of his face, and wandered back to the living room. His mind still wanted to dwell on work, but he refused to bring it up. If he and Adison couldn't agree, he didn't want to talk about it. 

"So..." He flopped down on the couch again, falling on his side to put his head in her lap and wrapped his arms around her waist, nuzzling into her. "Food will be her in about twenty minutes," he mumbled. "You pick the movie. Or music. Or game. I don't care."

Dylan grinned a little as he scanned the movies. He would not have expected Dylan to have some of these. It didn't seem to fit him. Or... maybe it did. 

He ran his finger over the spines, hunting for something that jumped out at him. Finally he picked Now You See Me 2. "This okay? I saw the first one but haven't had a chance to see this one yet." Truth be told, he loved movies that made him think and figure things out. Any type of puzzle or mind bender attracted him. 

Once the pizza came, he settled in at one end of the couch, enjoying both the food and the movie. He was still quiet, but really he did enjoy Dalton's company.