July 11, 2017

Tomorrow, Tomorow

Carson rolled his eyes at Misty's comment about being old and crotchety, but a grin slipped out. He couldn't care less if she'd taken a pizza - he always made more than he needed to and wound up with leftovers. Shifting down a little to give Alec space, he stayed sitting on the edge of the bed. 

Accepting the slices from Misty, Alec's stomach growled, proving the scent alone had awakened his senses. Taking a bite of the warm crust and stringy cheese, he sighed and leaned his head back, savoring the taste. "Mm... yep... just like I remember... better, actually." He glanced at Carson. "Someone else cooking for you now?"

"Hey." Carson smirked. "No. It's just your taste buds saying thank you." 

Alec just took another bite and shifted his gaze to Misty. "Thank you... this is much better than applesauce." 

Carson watched his brother for a few minutes before being unable to help but ask the inevitable. "So you've... been with the Agency... this whole time?"

Alec nodded as he chewed. "Yep. Well..." He shrugged. "With them, as a prisoner." 

Carson's face changed to one of concern and sadness. It was obvious just looking at Alec that they had been brutal. "What... did they do to you?"

Alec took another bite of pizza as his eyes fell. "They just, um... wanted... information." He tried to focus on the pizza. "Nothing new." 

Carson could tell Alec didn't want to talk about it, and he couldn't blame him. He just wanted to know what had really happened, that was all. "How on earth did you get out?" 

"I... well it..." Alec took his time chewing and swallowing his bite. "I... I don't remember all of it." He still refused to look up at either of them. "There's some... chunks missing. JT says it's not physical though, so I guess I'm just a little bonkers is all." Truth be told, he didn't want to remember half of what he'd been through or what he'd done to escape. He'd rather just let it be a big black hole that he could just forget about. 

Carson bit his lip to keep from asking more questions right now. He had so much to ask, but it was apparent that Alec would rather not talk about it. He couldn't blame him, but eventually... it would all come out. "Well the important thing is you're here now." 

"Mm. Eating pizza." Alec rerouted the conversation back to something more pleasant. "Misty told me you've got a house." 

"Yeah." Carson smiled and nodded. "It's a fixer-upper but it's coming along. We're both working on it and Mac too." He blinked, suddenly realizing they were going to have to tell his daughter about this. She was going to be more excited than all of them combined. "You know when you're out of here, you can stay with us 'til you're on your feet."

Alec gave him a crooked grin. "Misty beat you to the offer." He looked over at her again. He'd missed her. A lot. "Don't suppose you could pull any strings since you're a doctor and all... and get me out of here sooner, could you?"

Destiny's encouragement meant more than ten other people's combined. Returning her kiss, Zan smiled as she withdrew, and gave her shoulders a squeeze. "I guess we just make an amazing team then, huh?" Turning before he could linger any more, he spoke over his shoulder. "Goodnight, Destiny." She... was definitely the bright spot in his life right now... 

...Eli ambled up the sidewalk to Destiny's front door and rang the doorbell. Turning, he scanned the area, squinting a little in the sunlight. At least it was a nice day. 

Hearing the door open, he turned and gave Destiny a friendly smile. "Hey. Sorry to bug ya. Got a few minutes to talk?" 

Dani smiled again and sent Dalton one last text before getting ready for bed.
Goodnight, Big Handsome.
See you tomorrow. 

At least she was tired enough to sleep, and sleep she did, even later than planned. She still had plenty of time to get up and shower, then prepare sandwiches, fruit, chips and drinks for lunch. Once it was all packed, all she had to do was wait for Dalton to come pick her up.

Hearing what Adison had to say, Reese's eyebrows arched. Was she serious? Was this some kind of ploy of the FBI? He cocked his head and just searched her face for several long moments. No... she really did want this. 

A little grin tugged at the corner of his mouth as he stood up. "Well, as you know, coming into the Elite, you may be joining the losing team. I um..." He shook his head. He knew Kirk and Adison had a personal relationship, so he didn't want to say the wrong thing, but facts were facts. "I don't know what Kirk has in mind about Jason and Katie... especially since he hasn't shown up for two days. But his decision could change everything for us around here. So if you quit the FBI and the Elite dissolves... you won't have any badge at all." 

He continued to study her face. "Still want to go through with this?"