July 25, 2017


Travis chuckled and gave Ashlee a little squeeze. "Okay... I'll try not to move." 

Nearby, Eric glanced at the two of them before nudging Stacy with an elbow and nodding at them and grinning. He liked keeping a close eye on Travis when he was around Ashlee, but it was cute, seeing them together like this. And in a way, he was glad Ashlee had someone to keep her company. It wasn't easy, spending almost your entire time on the ranch without others to interact with.

Eventually, the fire began to burn low, and one by one, tired souls made their way to their own bunks or houses for the night...

...Travis stopped at the foot of the bunkhouse porch, his hand still in Ashlee's. "Well... guess I gotta wait a few hours 'til I see you again," he teased. "Sleep good, 'kay?" 

...Jason still sat with Katie until they were the only ones left, and the fire was but a small pile of smoldering ashes. "Sorry we can't stay longer," he apologized. "This has been really relaxing." He slid an arm around her and kissed her head. "Maybe after things settle down with us back at the Elite, we can request a week. I know we haven't been around there much lately, but... I'd rather take time to regenerate before we both crash after all this craziness." 

He sighed, wanting nothing more than to crawl into bed, but equally as much, wanting nothing more than to just stay here. 

Guess I'll bunk down at Mom and Wes' again tonight. You're more than welcome to come too, or find an empty bunk. 

...Mick walked slowly back to the house with Rosetta, thankful that Jade had taken BJ earlier to get him in bed at an acceptable time. She was nothing but helpful around here, and he couldn't imagine if she was gone. 

Looking a ways away, he saw Wendy walking home as well, and he sighed. "I was surprised Clint didn't join us tonight. Not that he's been socializing much lately but... I thought he'd at least show up since Jason and Katie are here." He shook his head as his pace slowed. "Last time I saw him happy was when Ryan was here to help him in the shop. Thought maybe he'd pulled out of his slump but I guess not." He stopped at the porch and continued to look towards the other house the short distance away. "Is it just me or is it getting worse, and is it affecting Wendy and the kids?" 

Jett sat quietly for a few more moments, staring down at his hands in his lap. How on earth had he gotten himself into this mess in the first place? Why was he always making the wrong move? The wrong choices? "Maybe I deserve to be behind bars," he muttered. "Then at least I won't keep proving I'm an idiot." He shook his head and sighed. "Just... let's go before I lose my nerve again." 

It wasn't a long enough drive to the Elite, and Jett felt ill-prepared to be here. What if he couldn't give them what they wanted? What if he didn't have enough information? What if...? 

He didn't like going inside, even if Destiny was with him, and looking around the large floor with more cubicles than people, it was different than he'd expected. He'd been in a few police stations, and this was definitely not the same. 

"You finally came." Garret had spotted them right off, and had wandered close. "Thought maybe we'd have to come looking for you." 

Jett swallowed hard, his face paling slightly. 

Garret nodded to Destiny, assuming she was here for some sort of stability for the terrified man. "I'm going to take him to the interrogation room. You're welcome to stay in the break room if you'd like." He motioned to Jett. "Come on."

Interrogation room? Jett shifted his weight nervously, but nodded, and followed Garret to the hallway, then down to an open room with a table and chairs. Sitting down, he stared at the table. 

"Sit tight," Garret directed. "I'll be back." In truth, he wanted to give Jett a little more time to squirm, while also making a phone call. 

Eli's jaw dropped at Scarlet's comment, and Dylan snickered. "Right. I'm gonna need your number." 

"Hey," Eli growled. "I'm not sure I like that idea." 

Dylan withheld another laugh, and grabbed his menu to concentrate very hard on what was listed.

Eli scooted in closer to Scarlet, pushing her all the way to the wall. "I'm having food. Lots of food... 'cause I'm starving...." 

It was a fun meal. Even though it wasn't just Eli and Scarlet on a date, Dylan was good company, and Eli really did like the young man. He was quiet for sure, but very smart, and he had a great sense of humor if he'd just learn to let it out a little more. 

They were just finishing up their food when Eli's cell phone buzzed. He rolled his eyes but after seeing the number, answered it. "Yeah? He did? Great. Thanks. I'll be there in just a few minutes." He ended the call and looked to Dylan. "I gotta get back to the office." Turning, he gave Scarlet one last kiss. "Sorry. Duty calls. We'll catch up later." He'd tell her all about it then - grateful that she trusted him when he had to leave her hanging for a while.

Realizing he was talking about the Elite, Dylan stuffed the last few french fries in his mouth and slid from the booth before waving at Scarlet. "Hate to eat and run."

"But we gotta run," Eli finished, also rising and setting some money on the table to pay for all three of them. 

It was a faster ride back to the Elite, which... Dylan didn't mind at all, rather enjoying the fast ride on the back of the motorcycle. Once they were back, he went his own way, not sure what was really going on, but knowing it was none of his business. 

By now, Garret was back in the interrogation room with Jett, questioning him. Eli still didn't think it was a good idea to tell Jett about his own involvement with the Elite, but he wanted to be close in case anything went south. Jett was still his friend, after all. For now though, he stopped by the break room to greet Destiny. "Heard you brought Jett. Thanks." He leaned on the back of a chair. "How's he doing? I didn't think he'd show after not hearing anything all day yesterday."