July 7, 2017

Get in Trouble

Let's just hope it doesn't come to that.

Jason tried to give Katie a small smile before finally attempting to stand. His knees started to buckle, and it took him a few moments to gain his balance, but he did, and aimed for the bathroom. It didn't take him long to shower and change into some clean clothes, meeting Katie at the bottom of the steps. 

"Well..." He reached out his hand to take hers. "Time to face the music." Making their way upstairs, they found Jed and Sarah in the living room. 

Both looked up as they entered, both with expressions of concern on their faces. Jason looked better, but he was still pale and looked utterly exhausted. Katie was obviously tired as well, which was odd, since it had looked like Jason had been the one in trouble. Jed gestured to the other smaller couch. "Have a seat," he invited. 

Well, at least they're not running away yet.

Jason moved with Katie to sit down, keeping his hand in hers. "I, um... I'm sorry. We both are. We didn't mean to scare you." 

Sarah bit her lip. "We're just worried. Are you okay? Were you having a seizure?"

Jason nodded. "Yeah, I'm okay. And no... it wasn't a seizure. It was, um..." He took a deep breath. The truth required the whole story... 

..."So now we're hiding because we're afraid the FBI is going to find out and then we'd just be lab rats." 

Jed and Sarah were staring at them both, obviously shocked, and maybe a little doubtful. But they'd seen the episode and had witnessed things that were not at all normal. So how could they not believe what they'd just been told? 

Jed swallowed hard. This was a lot to take in. But he kept thinking back to Rosetta, and he exchanged a look with his wife. He knew her thoughts were similar to his. "As hard to believe as it all is... your secret is safe with us." 

Jason's emotions turned into relief. "Thank you." 

"Are you sure you guys are okay?" Sarah had regained her concern. "Is there anything you need?"

Jason shook his head. "A good night's sleep and we'll be as good as new. Again, we're sorry if we scared you. I was hoping to avoid an episode for a while longer."

"It's not your fault. You can't help it. Just... let us know if we can do anything."

"Just don't tell anyone. That's all we ask." Jason glanced at Katie, trying to give her some reassuring emotions. 

I think we can trust them. We freaked them out, but they're taking this amazingly well.

Jeff managed a slight laugh at Rosetta before he sighed. "Yeah... at least there's that. She prolly just didn't want to get me worked up any more." He took a little bite of the grilled cheese sandwich. "She wanted to yell at me though, I'm sure. It's the pattern. I'm stupid, she yells." He shrugged, but really was trying to insert a little humor. Otherwise he'd just be completely miserable. 

Studying his sister for a moment, he cocked his head. "I'll be fine," he assured. She looked even more worried about him than normal. Did she blame herself? "I promise not to keel over til tomorrow at least. If you don't get back to the main house, you're gonna be missed." He didn't really want to be alone all evening, but he had little choice unless he really did want to get yelled at.

Being told Adison loved him, Kirk's heart felt as though it stopped in its tracks and be blinked. Had she... really just said that? Of course they had feelings for each other but... but she'd never actually used the word love before... and neither had he. A little heat crept up the back of his neck and he realized he was just staring at her. 

Moving closer, he stood between her legs and slid his arms around her waist to close the gap between them. Without saying anything, he leaned in to press his lips to hers, letting his hands caress her back as his kiss deepened and continued for several long moments. Eventually pulling back to catch his breath, his eyes locked with hers. "I don't wanna talk any more about work," he mentioned quietly. "You do what you have to do... and I'll do what I have to do... but..." 

He returned to her lips with just as much passion. "...this... I don't... don't want it... to end... either." Speaking in between kisses, he shifted one of his hands to slide it up her arm until his palm rested behind her neck. "You should get back... to work," he added before letting his lips trail across her cheek, to her neck, then back to her own lips again. "...before you get in trouble."

A motorcycle engine revved then shut off in the parking lot of the garage. It wasn't the usual engine, so nobody recognized it. Dismounting, Hunter took off his helmet and unzipped his leather jacket before wandering up to one of the open bay doors. Spotting Ryan, he automatically smiled and sidled up beside her. He hadn't told her he had time for lunch today. 

"Hey, gorgeous..." He looked over what she was doing before glancing at her, his eyes twinkling. "Wanna do lunch? I got something you need to try out." The bike he'd ridden in was not his blue sports motorcycle, but a black cruiser instead.