July 23, 2017

Ok Not Ok

Walking slowly with her dad Katie didn't mind. The Air felt good, and honestly not having to hurry off somewhere felt nice too. Looking at her Dad she hoped he was doing ok and if he needed to sit or rest he would.

   "So far no sign of Angel so that's good...right?"

Feeling Jason Katie's smile grew a little more. It was rare to be apart, especially going through something like this but then again...they never really were alone.

I'm hanging in there. Dad is doing ok, at the moment we are just walking, trying to dodge Angel. How is your mom, Wes, and Kaylee?

Sitting with Jett and ordering Destiny didn't mind the slightly awkward silence. She new it was probably strange for Jett to be here with her so she wasn't going to push it. Small steps and she didn't mind that.

   "I highly doubt Zan would do that. He trusts you and me."

Getting her coffee and putting some cream in it Destiny took a sip closing her eyes for a second. The warm liquid felt good. Looking at Jett across the table she cocked her head for a moment just thinking.

   "So...I was figuring we would eat, apartment hunt, go to the Elite, apt hunt a little more and then have lunch. Sound ok?"

Seven is a good horse and I think he knows the
puppy dog look for me to give him treats -.-

Ashlee laughed as she sent the text and got inside. Looking around she didn't see Travis yet and wondered if he was running late. Going to the kitchen she grabbed to cups of coffee and found there normal table sitting down she pulled her phone out again. 

They eat a lot of pizza there? Oh man
if there is one thing I miss its some
good pizza for sure.

Sending the message and taking a sip of her coffee she thought for a second before sending another text.

I'm happy you are having a good time.
It feels like you have been gone longer
then you have too. I don't like it!
Are you learning cool spy stuff?

   "Of course I am buying....you don't have to worry about money right now. We have you covered...it's just nice having you with us again."

Misty put her arm around Alec's shoulders softly and gave him a gentle hug as they walked. The drive to the dinner was quiet and Misty didn't mind. She new Alec had a lot to take in again. He had been gone for quite a while. 

Getting settled Misty just watched Alec and took not to when he flinched and jumped. It broke her heart to see that. She knew it was going to be a long road for Alec, and she could also see he was trying so hard.

Reaching her hand across the table and taking his in her own she gave him a soft smile. Everyone just needed to be patient with him, and he needed to do the same with himself. 

   "Hey Hey...its ok and its ok to not be ok. It's more than likely going to take a little bit for things to get back to normal but it will come in time."

Grabbing her napkin and helping clean up the water she stopped for a second just thinking. Maybe she shouldn't have pushed to bring him to a noisy place right away. 

   "Want to grab our stuff to go and we can go to the park where it is a little quieter?"