July 16, 2017


Jett didn't respond to Destiny, even though he really was listening. He'd been burned so many times. Let down so often. Taken advantage of countless times. It was just... hard to trust what she said. One thing was certain though... she didn't like being compared to the Agency. 

He said nothing as she left, but once she was gone, the quiet was almost deafening. It's what he wanted and yet... now it didn't feel very good. Wandering slowly to the living room again, he laid down on the couch and closed his eyes. Maybe he'd at least take her suggestion to rest more. At the moment he felt like he could sleep another ten hours.  And sleep he did.

Noon. Zan leaned back against the workbench and took a bite of his sandwich as he typed out a text to Destiny with his free hand. 
Hey. How's your day?
Jett still alive?

Reese nodded thoughtfully at Sam as he pursed his lips. "To be honest, I've been so busy I hadn't even thought about that. It sounds like we've got three weeks until we get an official word on what's gonna happen. So..." He thought for a moment. "Let's see how Aaron does the next couple weeks, okay? Give him as much freedom as you want and see how he handles it. If we agree he's stable and not a threat, we can get him in a place quick before we're done here. Might take a little fancy footwork but... it's not like we've never danced before."

He gave her a small smile. "Keep it up. You're doing a fine job."

Kirk rolled his eyes and flipped through another couple files. After a few minutes though, he stopped short. "Hey, Adison..."

He looked up at her, and one could almost see the wheels turning. "What do you think about rule bending and secrecy? In all honesty... like when the Elite was still underground. Do you think what they did was right? Or do you think it was taking the law into their own hands and going too far?"

Jason chuckled at Katie and shook his head. "Going in the opposite direction is hardly 'on the way home.'" He sighed. "Rick wasn't us back asap. But... We could always drive to Texas then fly home. We shouldn't stay long though."