July 8, 2017

Always Do

As Kirk's kiss slowed and he slipped behind her Adison she didn't mind. Just letting her fingers run over his arm she smiled to herself. He hadn't said he loved her back but that was ok. She didn't need to hear it back to know how much he cared already.

   "I should probably call Reese and let him know I am taking the rest of the day off."

Waiting a few moments and not getting a reply Adison looked over her shoulder. Seeing Kirk sound asleep she smiled before very carefully slipping off the couch. Wandering into the kitchen she pulled out her phone and dialed Reese. Getting a voicemail she just left a message.

   "Hey Reese, it's Adison. I am going to take the rest of the day off. Tomorrow I'll make up the time, I also need to talk with you when you have a moment."

Setting her phone down on Kirk's counter Adison wondered back to the couch and layed down facing Kirk. The old couch was in bad shape but she loved it and was happy Kirk hadn't thrown it out. Just running her hand softly over his face she continued to smile watching him sleep. Pushing some hair behind his ear.

   "I know you'll end up going the right thing. You always do!"

The drive to the hospital was quiet but Misty's mind was going a million miles a second. Was Alec ok, had he suffered any permanent damage, How was his mental state, was it really him? They were all question that would soon be forgotten.

Walking into the hospital and getting to the room Misty didn't want time. Entering the room and seeing the figure in the bed she could not deny it was Alec. He looked like crap, but his eyes, his grin it was him. All questions she had were lost as tears sprang into her eyes. Moving quickly to the bed she wrapped her arms around him, holding him close.

   "Oh Alec...it is you."

Just holding him close Misty continued to cry tears of joy as she held him. She didn't want to let him go but she knew she was more than likely hurting him but she had to hold him to know he was real. Letting him go and just taking his head in her own she gave him a soft smile.

   "You are a sight for sore eyes. I missed you so much. Are they treating you ok here?"

It wasn't much later in the evening when Rosetta returned to Jeff's bunk with a deck of cards and a bowl of popcorn in hand. She had tucked BJ in for the night and had let Mick know where she was. Knocking on the door gentily she poked her head in smiling at her brother before entering fully.

   "As promised I am back, and I brought goodies too."