July 1, 2017


Pulling out her phone and seeing Dyaln's message Ashlee set down her hamburger. She could kick herself for, forgetting to text Dylan back. From his dad helping to everything that happened with Eric and her mom it completely slipped her mind. 

Hey Sorry I never go back to you.
Eric proposed to my mom and it's been
kinda crazy. 

Catching sight of Travis she held up a find and smiled before starting another text message.

Seven is actully doing really good.
The other day your dad worked him
almost 2 hours and then I was able
to take care of him after that. 
He still misses you though. 
Like us all.

Getting back to her desk Adison just started back on he work. There was really nothing else that needed to be said right. At least Sam would be back, she new she had been pretty bored not working.

Answering her phone and hearing Kirk wanted her to come in Sam could feel her heart start to beat a little faster. Did he know she helped Katie and Jason? If he did it was to late now and what she did she new was the right thing to do so she wasn't sorry.

   "Your joking right? Of course, I am free...don't have a job right now..remember? I'll be in shortly."

Hanging up the phone Sam got dressed and headed into the Elite office. She really didn't want to waste any time. If she was going to be in trouble again she just wanted to get it over with.

Making her was across the floor and to Kirk's cubical she took a deep breath before knocking on the wall. She did her best of offer a smile.

   "Hey! whats up?"