July 5, 2017


Spinning around, Dylan's eyebrows rose. He wasn't used to people giving him much attention, so he almost didn't even know how to react. "Um..." He certainly didn't have any plans, and Hunter would probably welcome an evening without having to worry about him. There was a race tomorrow night, but Hunter had said he was giving that one to Zan, so Dylan didn't mind missing it, although he did want to go and watch when they were racing for real sometime.

He finally nodded. "Yeah, okay. Thanks. I'll see you tomorrow then." After giving Dalton a wave, he turned and headed inside, fishing a key from his pocket. A nap really did sound like a good idea, then he'd... find something to do. First though, he owed someone a text message. 

Hal couldn't help his little chuckle, but he wouldn't say why. He hadn't needed to mention anything to Sam at all about Justin - she had this well under control. "Grabbing something to eat after work sounds like a very good idea to me." He glanced at the clock. "And we don't even have to wait very long, which makes it even better." 

 Nothing much changed at the Elite the rest of the afternoon. The atmosphere remained tense, with too many things unresolved. By the next morning, those that worked were quiet and went about their business, just trying to make it through the day. The only oddity was that Kirk had called in, leaving a message with Susanne that he wouldn't be in. To some, it was a relief. To Reese, it was a concern. Was Kirk going to the FBI? All he could do was sit and wait for the bad news. 

In reality, Kirk sat on the floor in the corner of his living room while the rock music played loudly from his stereo. He was barefoot, dressed in his old jeans and and t-shirt, his hair pulled back loosely at the nape of his neck. His eyes were tired, proving he'd gotten very little sleep last night, if any at all. The scent of coffee was in the air, but he had yet to get up and go get any.

Travis tightened his grip around Ashlee a little, signalling he enjoyed her response, and continued the kiss while simply holding her and rubbing her back. He shifted from lighter kisses to deeper ones again and back, just letting their affection evolve as it would. Floating a little, he let the water carry them gently along the pond's edge, sending kisses over her cheek and near her neck, then back to her lips.

Without any idea how long they remained, eventually Travis eventually slowed and pulled back just far enough to see Ashlee's eyes, and smiled. He didn't have to ask - he knew she was enjoying herself just as much as he was. With his arms around her, his thumb moved in little circles on her shoulder. "Wanna go sit on the dock to dry off?" His eyes twinkled with humor. "Otherwise we might end up looking like prunes." He gave her another kiss. "Happy prunes, but prunes nonetheless."

Mick eased down in the chair in the office, hoping Rosetta had been able to calm down Jeff, but opting not to interfere. This whole thing was definitely hard on the nerves... and the heart... for everyone. Katie and Jason were loved very much, and knowing they were on the run, hiding out... it was hard. 

Hearing a text notification, he reached over to grab his phone, and was surprised to see a message from Dylan.
Thanks for helping with Seven.

A small smile creased Mick's lips. Ashlee had probably told him. His son had no idea he'd do anything to keep that horse here and well until Dylan returned. If he returned. And Mick hoped with everything that he would. 

Jeff nodded slowly at his sister. "We're okay." It would take a little while to get over being upset with her, but he wouldn't allow it to interfere with their relationship. She was too important to him. "I just wanna know if you hear anything else." 

He picked up another cracker, but then set it back down. "I think I'm gonna go lay down for a little while 'til chores." Standing up, a new wave of dizziness hit, and he had to lean on the table, closing his eyes for just a second. "Mm... if I don't fall down first."

Jason returned Katie's kiss and settled his arms around her, sighing deeply. "Of course we can sit a while... we can stay out here as long as you want." 

A sudden lurch in his emotions made him cringe, and he tried to control it before it went to Katie. He had a very real problem on his hands, and he didn't know what to do. 

Katie... it's attacking my memories again... I think it's because I'm trying to get away from somebody and my emotions are similar but... 

He nuzzled his head down into her shoulder. 

A flashback is coming... I can feel it.