July 4, 2017


As Dylan denied the offer Dalton just sat there for a few long seconds. Hearing him change his mind he was happy he said yes. Dylan needed some friends or he would never make it. This line of work was hard, and just having those people you could distress with was almost a must. 

   "Hop on in."

Waiting for Dylan to get in and tell him where to go Dalton started forward. Hearing about the whole Kirk thing again Dalton frowned his brow. He hated all the tension that had been at work but maybe it was best Dylan took the day off. He didn't need to be stuck in the middle of that.

   "Eh even if it was I don't care. I've got nothing better to do right now, and if I do nothing I'll fall asleep and that will add more fuel to the fire."

   "Yeah know...even if I wasn't in the clear, I don't think I would care much. It was the right thing to do and that is all that matters."

Sitting down in her chair she let out a sigh. Everything had to be ok sooner or later. If it wasn't who new what would happen. At least she was back for now though.

   "Ahh...I missed this chair and desk."

Just watching as Kirk left Adison let out a long sigh. She new Kirk had a good heart and she new he was frustrated but at the same time she thought he was worrying to much about the FBI as well. The more she talked to him though the more she upset him. That was the last thing she wanted to do, so maybe it was time to just take a step back.

Ashlee laughed as she swam twords him a little. As he swam away she stopped and just floated. Her eyes twinkled and danced in the sun reflecting from the water. This did feel refreshing.

   "Because we are silly and never thought about it before." 

Splashing some water twords him she laughed trying to get a little father away from him.

After Jeff left Rosetta looked to Mick with concern on her face. She didn't blame her brother honestly if it had been her she would be pretty upset too.

   "I don't know what to do. Let me see if I can't talk to him more."

 Getting up from her desk Rosetta went out and after her brother.  Coming up next to him she stopped and set a hand on his shoulder. She hated seeing him like this and hated being at odds with him.

   "Jeff...hold up. I know you are upset, and you have every right to be completely. But you know we are family, and yes maybe we made a bad judgment call we are human. We are not going to help Katie and Jason any though if we are all worked up and at odds with each other. Please I cant stand it when you are angry at me."

Rosetta looked at her brother with worry in her eyes and a pleeding. She really didn't like when he was upset with her.

My dad is so worried about him. He found out some how we were missing...my only guess would be Kirk, and I can't even tell him I am ok. I'm happy I at least have you!

Katie leaned into Jason as she just continued to cry. Wrapping her arms around him. She was always so strong it felt odd being the one that felt weak. but in this situation she felt so lost, and so helpless. She soaked in Jason's love and used it to comfort herself.

We never should of told Kirk.