July 3, 2017


Dylan turned quickly, on guard as a car pulled up beside him. Squinting out from under his ball cap, he realized it was just Dalton, and relaxed. He shook his head a little at Dalton's offer. "That's okay. I'm just walking back to Hunter's." He was just going to leave it at that - he really didn't mind a long walk, and he was used to being alone anyway. Glancing back at Dalton though, he rethought his options. Maybe going it alone wasn't always the best way to do things, if he really wanted to make friends. 

"But since you're offering..." He finally accepted and got into the car. "Reese let me off early - I think mostly 'cause Kirk's causing trouble and I'd just be in the way." He shrugged. "So I've got the afternoon to do whatever I guess." Come to think of it, other than a nap, he really wasn't sure what he was going to do. He did know Hunter had a date tonight, which meant he was probably on his own for the rest of the afternoon and evening. But that was pretty much his norm - he just didn't have a barn to go visit. "Thanks, by the way. I hope his apartment isn't too out of the way for you."

Hal chuckled. "I'm not sure 'partners in crime' is a very good title around here." Giving her another little kiss, he finally let her go and sat down in his chair. "Not a whole lot going on other than Kirk being on the warpath over Jason and Katie." He shook his head sadly. "I don't know what's gonna happen, but he's ready to go ballistic on the next person that defies him." 

He searched Sam's face before lowering his voice a little. "By the way, nothing's been said about you in that regard, so I think you're clear." 

Kirk shot Adison a look that was as close to a glare as he dared. "If we were part of the team, they wouldn't be withholding information like this. Maybe if everybody was just honest with me, I'd feel less inclined to hunt Jason and Katie down. Their attitude. Their problem." 

Standing back up again he shut his laptop he'd just opened, and grabbed his car keys. "I'm done here. I'll see you tomorrow." Without so much as a goodbye, he stalked towards the exit. It wasn't quitting time yet, but he didn't care. He couldn't stay here any longer.

Travis laughed, his eyes sparkling in the reflection of the sunlight. "I wouldn't lie to you." He gave Ashlee a teasing splash before floating away just out of her reach. "Why haven't we done this before now? This is kinda nice." Still grinning, he continued to float away, silently challenging her to come after him. 

Jeff's jaw tightened as Rosetta explained, and he recoiled slightly. "You knew. You knew all that and didn't tell me?"

Mick took a step forward. "It was for the best," he tried to explain. "Not only did Katie not want you worrying, but it's safer for her and Jason, the fewer people who know."

"I am her father!" Anger flashed in Jeff's eyes. "Maybe I'm a lousy one, but I would have thought someone would have told me what was going on! Even if I can't contact her, I would have liked to at least known what was happening." Tears of frustration sprang into his eyes. "My baby girl is on the run from the FBI... If I can't trust my own family to let me in on something like this then maybe I-"

"Jeff, don't even go there," Mick warned. "You know good and well that nobody here would try and intentionally hurt your relationship with Katie. We made a judgment call, and I'm sorry you don't agree, but we felt it was for the best."

"And you didn't think I had any say in the matter? Any right to know? When were you going to tell me? When she and Jason were being studied in some lab somewhere?"

"It's not like that at all. We-"

"Who else knows? Am I the only one in the dark?"

"No. Rosetta and I are the only ones."

"So Cindy doesn't even know either." Jeff paused to swallow hard and keep the tears from falling. "Some family this is." Spinning on his heel, he stormed out of the office.

Mick ran a hand over his face and glanced at Rosetta helplessly. "Well that certainly went well." He sighed deeply. "We can't let him go like that. He's gonna do something stupid or give himself another heart attack. Maybe both if he doesn't calm down."

Jason set his bag aside after finding a few things he'd been looking for, and stood from the couch. As he did, a lurch in the flow of the emotions gave him a start, and he almost stumbled. He was more sensitive now to Katie than he ever had been before, making it more pleasurable at times, and more uncomfortable at times as well.

Katie? You okay?

Making his way upstairs, he passed by Jed and Sarah in the living room without saying anything. They were being wonderful hosts - they had fed them and let them sleep there, and hadn't once asked them what was really going on or even how long they were staying. Jason didn't know how they'd ever be able to repay them. 

Looking for Katie, he made it out to the backyard before spotting her a short distance away. He couldn't read her emotions like she could his, but one didn't need a special connection to read her body language, and that's all he needed. He made his way over to her slowly before sitting down next to her in the grass, and pulling her sideways into his lap so he could wrap his arms around her. 

"Shh... it's gonna be alright." 

At least we've got each other... that counts for something, right? 

He kissed the top of her head lovingly and tried to withhold any of his negative feelings, letting her only feel his love.