July 4, 2017


Dylan chuckled at Dalton and shook his head. "I'd be too afraid to wake you up from a nap," he teased. "You're prolly right though. One wrong move, and I'd be toast around there right now." He hadn't been here long, but he knew that the atmosphere at the Elite was not normal right now. He didn't understand it all, but he was starting to get a pretty good idea, just from watching and listening.

He gestured for Dalton to turn right at the next intersection. "It's the apartment complex at the end of this street," he directed. It didn't take long in a car, but he would have been walking a while if he'd kept up on foot. It was a long street.

"So... I'm trying to get everybody straight... you're engaged to Dani, right? And she's Carson's sister?"

Hal grinned at Sam. "Well... I can't speak for the desk and chair, but I know I've missed you around here." It had only been a few days, but it had honestly been lonely without her in the office.

He cocked his head, thinking. "How, um... how do you feel about the whole Aaron thing? I was pretty surprised when he walked back in here on his own like that." 

"Maybe you're silly, but I'm not silly." Travis splashed Ashlee back and started swimming towards her. Grinning, he stopped, but shot his legs forward under the water to wrap around one of hers. Holding her in place, he slid over closer to her, still smiling, and reached up to move some hair from her face. "You're kinda cute when you're all wet, you know that?" He chuckled. "Not that you're not cute any other time." 

Leaving his hand against her face, his thumb caressed her cheek and he leaned in closer. His feet barely touched the rocky bottom of the pond, giving him enough freedom without worrying about staying afloat. Smiling again, he cocked his head and gently kissed her lips. He let it linger, then deepened it just a little, hoping she wouldn't mind. 

Jeff stopped as Rosetta joined him, but wouldn't look her in the eye. He was still very upset about this whole thing - good explanation or not. "If you can't stand it, you shoulda thought of that in the first place," he hissed. 

Too worked up for his own good, his breaths grew more shallow. He reached out to lean on the fence, putting his other hand to his chest, and tried to breathe more deeply. Angel would kill him for letting himself get this upset, if his heart didn't do the job for her first. 

Looking at his sister, a tear finally escaped to run down his cheek. "I'm sorry," he apologized quietly. "I'm not angry at you... I'm just angry with this whole thing. I'm supposed to protect my daughter and I can't. I denied she was even mine almost her whole life, and now I can't even be what she needs because of this whole crazy thing." 

He drew in a ragged breath, his hands trembling as he swiped away his tear. He was starting to feel dizzy, and leaned a little more on the fence. "Just don't leave me in the dark... please. I won't do anything stupid, I promise."