July 5, 2017


"Aaron... good morning."

Aaron glanced up from the bed. It had been a long night, but at least his body had thanked him for a soft mattress. He hadn't had any visitors since yesterday and wasn't even sure now how things were going to go. As for now... he'd gotten up and dressed, but that was about it. He shouldn't have been surprised to see Justin. They probably wanted him to evaluate whether or not he had ill intent or was lying about where he'd been.

Not receiving any response, Justin entered the room and left the door cracked open. He set aside his backpack, then grabbed the chair and straddled it backwards, as was his norm. "Didn't think I'd see you again." Still no response. "How come you came back?"

Aaron finally shrugged.

"Okay... I heard you wanna give the Elite all you know. What changed?"

"It was the only bargaining chip I had."

"To get Sam her job back?"

"And Pete's."

Justin thought Aaron's quickness to add that was interesting. It didn't take a genius to see Aaron thought more of Sam than Pete. He cared about them both, but there was something more there for Sam. "Yeah... I just saw him when I walked in, so I'd say he's back as well." He cocked his head. "How'd you know they'd been suspended?"

Aaron kept his eyes glued to the far wall. "That's irrelevant."

"Why'd you leave in the first place?"

Aaron's jaw tightened. "I couldn't stand it here any more."

"How'd you know Sam and Pete would let you walk away?"

He shrugged and was quiet until finally answering. "I knew Sam would. I thought Pete would stop me."

"Would you have come back in willingly?"

"Of course not." Aaron rolled his eyes. "I was trying to leave."

"Yet you expected him to physically stop you?"

Aaron glanced at his knee. "Wouldn't be hard."

Justin cocked his head. Interesting. "Where'd you go?"

"I didn't have anywhere to go. Why do you think I came back?"

"I thought it was to get Sam her job back."

Aaron finally shot him a glare. "If I'd had somewhere else to go, she woulda just had to take the consequences."

Justin grinned a little. He didn't stay long with Aaron, asking only a few more questions before leaving him be, then moving on to the security room. He tapped on the door before looking to Hal then Sam. "Hey. Don't wanna interrupt, but wanted you to know I talked a few minutes with Aaron. He doesn't like talking with me, but most people don't, so that's nothing new. However... even though he's grouchy, I think he finally hit rock bottom. I don't know where he's been or how he found out about you and Pete, but I think he realized how dependent he is on the Elite's goodwill at this point."

He paused, sighed. "And... I think he wanted to be stopped when he tried to leave. It's easier to deal with physical pain than emotional pain and... I think he wanted you or Pete to physically stop him so he'd have something to focus on other than his misery. Subconsciously of course, but when neither of you did anything, all he could do was follow through and leave. Coming back was a combination of being in need, and... I think he genuinely felt guilty for you being suspended. Both you and Pete, but if I had to make a stab in the dark, I'd say he has some feelings for you. So you might want to keep that in mind. As far as him telling the truth or not... I think he'll hold up his end of the bargain and give the Elite whatever they want. He has pretty much nothing to lose now, and he knows it."

Catching movement at the other end of the room, Kirk's whole body tensed. As soon as he saw who was coming through the door though, he relaxed. He hadn't expected Adison to show up, but he felt little surprise. He gave a slight laugh at her comment, though his eyes remained dim. Reaching for the stereo remote, he turned the volume down before sighing and leaning his head back against the wall. 

"You can call me sexy anyway," he commented dryly. "Maybe it'll put me in a better mood." He fell quiet again, then slowly slid over until his head was resting on her shoulder. "I think maybe I got an hour of sleep last night," he admitted. "I can't get my brain to shut off. All I can think about is what an epic fail this has all been."

Travis laughed and finally let Ashlee go so she could keep herself afloat. "Yeah that does sound pretty uncomfortable." After swimming back to the dock, he climbed up then helped Ashlee out of the water too. Sprawling out on his back on the warm wood, he squinted up at the clouds and sighed with content. "Now this... is relaxing." The breeze felt even cooler on a wet body. He looked over at Ashlee and grinned. "Don't let me fall asleep or I'll really be in trouble."

Jeff just nodded again and leaned on Rosetta as they aimed for the door. He'd normally resist help and insist on going alone, but something told him today he shouldn't be stubborn. 

He took it slow all the way, and by the time they reached his bunkhouse, his face had gotten more pale. Up on the porch, he released his sister and leaned on the door. "Thanks. I'll, um... I'll rest a while... then I'll be up for chores."

Jason looked at Katie, his emotions proving how sorry he felt. "You should be worried about yourself."

I hate it that this thing is so hard on you. You shouldn't have to worry about me on top of everything else.

He leaned his face into her hand and closed his eyes. "It's different than before. I can feel it coming. It's not an eruption from holding back though... it's pulling me... towards that house... and Alex and... and trying to escape..." He sucked in his breath and straightened as his heart raced. He could feel that he was right on the edge of a flashback, and every fiber in his being wanted to fight. No matter how many times he experienced being thrust back into that horrific time of his childhood, it was never any easier. It felt incredibly strange to be able to know it was coming now though. Just as his senses were heightened towards Katie, it was as if he was more sensitive to these episodes now as well. 

A new surge of emotions made him cringe, and he quickly slid Katie off his lap so he could stand. "I can't stay out here." The darkness started to envelop his mind. "We're too exposed. A field won't do." He turned back towards the house as he put a hand to his head, trying to keep the mix of memories, emotions and dreamlike images at bay. He had to get to as safe spot. "Help me inside." His tone had become desperate. 

I can't stop it.