July 1, 2017

I am...

 "I am a little tired. Tomorrow we can finish coloring...ok?"

Setting her pencil down Maggie stood and gave Garret a big hug. She would miss his bear hugs once he left so she would get her fill now. Taking a few steps back she smiled. 

  "Good Night Garret."

Not saying anything else Maggie wondered to the steps stopping for a second before finally heading up and going to bed. At least she would try and enjoy the time that Garret was still here.

Dalton was relieved Jamison wasn't going to say anything to Kirk. He would have understood if he was going to but the last thing he wanted was another Elite person getting in trouble least of all Hal. 

   "Of course you are part of the team. I am sorry about earlier again."

Finishing off his drink and standing Dalton let out a small yawn. He was actually pretty tired tonight himself. Maybe calling it an early night was a good thing.

   "Good Night Jamison, see you at work tomorrow."

Sitting with Eli at the park was nice even if she could tell something was up. She didn't know what but she could just tell something was up. She didn't say anything though just waiting for him. Taking a bite of her sub she listened intently to him. 

Hearing he was working for the Elite Ryan was a bit surprised. Isn't that who Alec had worked for and wasn't it a little dangerous?

    "Isn't that really dangerous working for the Elite? I mean they deal with the Agency and they are the ones that killed Alec. Doesn't really sound very safe to me."

Ryan set down her sub and leaned on the table drawing quit again. She understood why Eli hadn't told her but still, she felt a little hurt. She and Eli never kept secrets from each other so knowing there had been one, just stung a little. 

   "I'm hurt, but I'm not mad. I understand why you couldn't tell me. You have to promise me something though...if things ever get to dangerous for you, will you back away? You're the only family I got left, and you are my best friend. I couldn't bear to lose you."