April 9, 2017


At Destiny's comment, Zan rested his head back in the sand and laughed. "And here I thought this whole scene was just gonna make life seem even more depressing."

Jett didn't know their short history, but even he grinned. "She's definitely got a positive streak." He gave Destiny a sideling glance. "And I have a feeling she's gonna be back."

Zan sighed and finally sat up, then stood with Jett's help. "I hope so... I hate scaring away people their first night here." He aimed his wry grin at Destiny before touching his temple where the cut seemed to have stopped bleeding. "However... this night just got a whole lot more boring. Instead of celebrating, now I gotta get my car towed out of here and spend the rest of my evening licking my wounds."

Jett squinted up at him "Your head okay?"

"Yeah, yeah... just a bump."

Jett gingerly touched the back of his own head. "Uh-huh."


"Nothing. Come on. I'll take you back to civilization so you can grab Tony and see if he'll tow that wreck out of here."

"Yeah, hang on." Zan got on all fours and crawled just inside the window. Groping around in the dark, he found what he was looking for, and retrieved the locket that had fallen from his rearview mirror. Back on his feet, he tucked it in his pocket. "Okay, let's go."

As Jett drove back, Zan sat in the middle, trying to give Destiny enough room on her side. "Sorry the night bombed out... I can make sure you at least get out of here okay, then I'll have to stick around a while til I can get towed." And deal with Thunder. But he wasn't going to mention that.

Jason shook his head. "I'm not okay with it... but if we don't try it... we may have run out of options." He swallowed hard. "So we'll do it."

Jeff's shoulders dropped, though he tried not to let all of his worry show. He was scared to death, and didn't like this one bit.

Cindy brushed a tear from her eye. She knew this was riskier for Katie, and she loved her to death. There was also risk for Jason though, and they all knew that. Both of them could die from this... and that was a very real possibility.

Rick sighed deeply. "Okay. You two need to get yourselves up and get some socks and shoes on."

Jason's brow furrowed. "Where are we going?"

"Where anything that happens... can't hurt anything or anyone else. Mick suggested the east pasture."


"Jase, the other day, your episode threw me out into the hallway. What do you think will happen with this if it goes awry?"

Jason hated to think of the answer. "So we just have to walk out there alone? What if something does happen?"

Rick pursed his lips grimly. "The best I can do is watch from a safe distance."

"But... you won't know when it's safe..."

"Then just make sure nothing goes wrong and we won't have to worry about it."

The thought wasn't very reassuring but it's all they had. Left alone with each other for a few minutes  Jason sat up straight and swung his legs over the side of the bed to get up. "I can't believe we're doing this," he commented quietly.
It's like kissing with an audience watching to see how we do it.
He glanced over his shoulder at Katie and rolled his eyes. Their connection was more intimate than anyone could ever understand, so being on display like this felt rather invasive, and somewhat embarrassing in a way. But he knew he just needed to get over it. Today... there was little choice.