April 21, 2017

Clear Head

Being handed the leftovers, Zan couldn't help his genuine smile. "Oh man... you are way too good to me." He held the container close and patted it lightly. "I'm gonna guard this with my life. I wouldn't want Jett to catch wind of it or I might never see it again."

He finished helping Destiny clean up, and soon found himself back outside. He stood on the deck and leaned on the railing, looking up at the darkening sky where a few stars were making their appearance. He knew he should probably get going, but he was having such a nice time. Destiny was some of the best company he'd had in a long time, and the quiet here was a nice break from his normal crazies at the races or with Jett. 

He glanced to the side as Destiny joined him. "I've had a really good time tonight," he mentioned quietly. "Thank you for inviting me."

Following Sam into the bar, he quirked an eyebrow in surprise as she greeted the bartender. He would not have guessed she would frequent a place like this. She'd said she led a quiet life... but she obviously hung out here enough to be known. Interesting. As he hobbled behind her, his eyes swept the interior of the bar, taking note of how many people were there, where the restrooms were, and where the exits were.

Quiet as they went to a table in the back, his gaze continued to evaluate his surroundings. He eased down into a chair and gritted his teeth before straightening out his leg. It was sore tonight, no doubt. Which could very well put a damper on the plan that was quickly​ forming in his mind.

Lost in thought, he looked quickly to Sam as she mentioned food. Serious? He wondered how far he could press his luck. He'd do just about anything for a shot of whiskey. Even a beer sounded good. "Wouldn't mind some onion rings," he mused. "And... a glass of water." In spite of his watering mouth, he needed to keep a clear head tonight.