April 22, 2017

Ice Cream

"Deprived?" Hunter ambled around to her side of the car and slipped his hands around her waist. "Well we wouldn't want that, now would we?"

He grinned and leaned down to press his lips to hers, and tightened his hold around her. Kissing her passionately, he took his time before retreating just enough to see her eyes, and another smile surfaced. "There. Feel better now? Or do we need to go back to my apartment instead of going out for coffee, hmm?"

Aaron just sighed and followed after Sam, a bit more slowly than when they'd arrived. He made it okay by himself though, and back into the car. Once settled and on the way back to the Elite, he glanced over at Sam. "I didn't mind that you needed backup there," he mentioned, referring back to their previous conversation. "I just wish you woulda told me, that's all." He shrugged. "I know the tactics. I know you probably wanted to see if I'd try anything if I thought we were alone. I get it. I just... thought we were past the whole keeping secrets thing."

He paused and looked back out the window. "If you... lose the tail - is it Hal? - and... we go get an ice cream cone... I promise not to say a grouchy word the rest of the week."