April 30, 2017


Coming back into the bedroom after brushing her teeth Sam rolled her eyes seeing her phone flashing there was a missed call. Of course, there was, there always was when he didn't have it attached to her hip. Seeing it was Hal who called she raised an eyebrow before dialing the voicemail. Odd he would be calling.

Hearing the voicemail Sam's heartbeat started to race. Something wasn't right at all, Hal didn't sound good, he almost sounded frantic. She didn't know what was going on to cause him to cancel, but she couldn't just sit around and not know if he was ok or not.

Getting to Hal's place and going up to his apartment and to the door she just stood there for a long moment. She hadn't called, she just came, if she'd called Sam ha a feeling he would have told her not too. But she wanted to, to really make sure he was ok. Knocking on the door Sam waited going over in her head what she was going to say if he was upset she was there.

Katie thought for a long moment. She couldn't imagen leaving and not telling anywhere they were going. Her Dad not knowing where she was, and her Aunt, it would be hard but maybe it would be worth it so they wouldn't have to hide. 

I think having a game plan in case things go south is a good idea. 

Searching Jason's face she wondered what they would do, where would they go, who would know. It all seemed like something from a move.

   "We would only be able to tell one or two people. I think if there is even a chance that we wouldn't have to hide it would be worth it. As long as we are in this together."

 Destiny laughed at the comment about nothing scary and nodded her head in thanks. The scary movie hadn't been a bad thing but she wasn't sure if she could handle another one so soon. Taking another sip of her coffee she let out a content sigh.

   "You can definitely pick me up and I'll pack the food."