April 15, 2017

Life Story

Taking a bite of her pizza it was really good tasting. Then again she had never had a bad pizza here before. However tonight for some reason it just tasted extra good. Maybe it was the good company or the good chat. Maybe it was just nice being her.

Hearing Zan's observation Destiny gave a little laugh. She knew he didn't mean it in a bad way, it's just how it came out. She wouldn't give him to much of a bad time about it, at least not this time. 

Grabbing a piece of bacon that had fallen from her plate and eating it she thought for a long moment. She had never told anyone about her story before, no one besides The Elite, and Chance. She wondered if Zan would run away or if he would stay. She guessed now would be a goof time as ever to find out. If she was going to start anything, she wanted to be one hundred percent honest from the start.

   "In so many words you could say that. My dad worked for an organization called The Agency. Not a good organization...I guess the easiest way to describe them was...they are kind of like the mafia..."

Leaning into it once Destiny started she just didn't stop. It was like a floodgate had been opened. She when into her childhood, how much they moved around, she had to keep to herself because of the Agency and having friends was a weakness the Agency could use, to how much she loved her family and how much they loved each other, to who and what the Agency was, to the sad say her family wanted out and were killed, and how she herself was hunted.

   "...and now here we are. I was scared for a really long time. I guess now I'm just tired of being scared, tired of being lied too, and just...tired of being alone."

Searching Zan's face for a long moment she tried to read what he was thinking but she couldn't. Her heart raced as she thought about what he might think. She liked him, and if it wasn't going to work even just a friendship she wanted to know now before she got too much deeper.

   "So now you know most of my life story. If you'd rather just end this now, it's ok and I understand. Just let me know so I don't keep hanging on."

Brooke gave a nod to Eli and followed Tal inside. Getting to the bathroom she smiled and laughed a little bit. She liked Tal's humor. Grabbing the tweezers and held them up and gave a smile.

   "I've been known for my handy work. I'll try not to make it hurt."

Taking Tal's arm Brooke set to work trying to get the stinger out and fixing up his arm. She tried to keep a little bit of light conversation going too.

   "So...thank you for taking the sting for me. The last thing I really wanted to do was end up in the hospital again. It's not on the top of the list of my most loved places to be."

Finally getting the stinger out and fixing up his arm, Brooke handed him some Benadryl too.  Putting a band-aid over the sing as well she drew a little smiley face on it as well. 

   "There you go...bed rest next week, and mmm...lots of cheesy movies."

Ryan leaned her head into Hunter's chest as the laughing continued and Eli almost fell himself. This is what she loved, family, laughing and just having a good time. She was happy Hunter was part of it, and Scarlet too and she was happy Tal was here too at least trying.