April 22, 2017

Your Word

"Yeah... yeah, this was nice." Aaron fiddled with his empty glass. "Think I wasted a good stiff drink though." He looked across the table at Sam, squinting his eyes slightly. "Thought I might need to keep a clear head but... looks like you woulda had help if I'd gotten out of hand."

He paused, staring her in the eye. "Besides the bartender, there's only one person in this bar who's been here the entire time we have." He sighed and finally let go of the glass before standing. His knee buckled and he grabbed the table, gritting his teeth against the pain and frustration. He took the crutches and leaned on them, unwilling to admit his knee had had quite enough for one day.

"If there's a next time... tell your boy to brush up on his spy methods. Either that, or just tell me we're not alone. I'd rather you not try to pull one over on me." His tone wasn't angry, or even pushy. It was just matter-of-fact and perhaps... just a little disappointed. He really had been glad to get out tonight... but he was still a prisoner.

He dropped his eyes for a moment and shrugged. "I'm ready to go when you are." His gaze came back up slowly. "I really did like getting out of that building, so... even if you can't trust me... you at least kept your word. Thank you."

Hunter returned Ryan's kiss and smiled. "Then we'll practice. When you're ready. Together."

His eyes went back to the crowd, wondering where Eli had run off to. Not that he didn't have any friends here, he just didn't usually have an agenda.

Sighing, Hunter finally sat up and slid off the car hood. "Wanna go catch a late coffee somewhere?" Truth be told, he just wanted a change of thought. He would never admit to anyone that he had mixed feelings about Ryan racing. He wanted more than anything for her to get back into it and do well and get her fire back. But at the same time, now that they were in a relationship... how would that competition affect them?