April 17, 2017

Saying Goodbye

Destiny was not the biggest fan of scary movies but she had told Zan to pick and its what he choose. She couldn't go back on her word now. Anyways it couldn't be that bad...right? At least she wasn't alone, and it seemed Zan had gone to scary movies before so...it had to be ok.

   "Sounds good to me. Not so sure about being braver than him though, and I definitly do scream like a girl."

Taking Zan's arm and laughing Destiny followed with him down and the hall, and was happy when there were only a few people in the theater. The less crowded the better. Getting comfortable Destiny joined too on making fun of the adds. She was happy Zan liked to do that, it showed he liked to have fun and wasn't scared to just be himself.

As the movie started Destiny jumped at a few parts and even let out a few shrieks. It wasn't anything to horrible though. As the music started to build though she new something else was coming, but when it happened she still screamed grabbing Zan's hand and holding it tightly before burying her face into his shoulder.

Leaning into Hunter as he said he had to go Ryan groaned before placing a kiss on his neck. Did the night really have to end already? It felt like they had just got here and started having a fun time with everyone.

   "Do you really have to go? I need you already just from saying goodbye."

Looking at Eli Scarlet grinned. She liked that idea a lot actually. Tomorrow she would be leaving again for a little bit and the time away from Eli was always the hardest. She never thought she would miss someone while she was away but she did with Eli. Her trips always seemed ten times longer then they really were. 

   "That sounds like a lovely idea. Think we could get Tal to bring Brooke home?"

Smiling as Jason fluffed a pillow behind her Katie hated making him do all this stuff but at the same time she loved the extra attachen. It was just nice to be doted on a little extra by Jason. Giving a nod to Rick Katie wasn't hungry but she would eat a little to keep everyone from worrying to much. 

   "I'm doing ok I think. Tired, and not very hungry but I don't feel like getting stuck with a needle so I'll try to eat a little."

Taking a spoon full of the broth it did taste good, and it felt nice going down. She stomach growled letting her know she was hungry she just didn't feel it.

Do you think we will ever feel normal again?