April 18, 2017


Just laying on the couch with Eli Scarlet squealed as he kissed her neck. She tried to keep her voice down so as not to bother Ryan but it was hard with Eli being so adorable. She loved these moments with him, just the two of them. It was the moments she cherished the most.

   "That sounds wonderful Eli."

Scarlet had known Eli was considering for a while to start his own shop and when he talked about it, she could see the passion in his eyes. Scarlet wanted him to reach for his dream and being one step closer to it for him made her just as excited.

Bringing her hand up to the side of Eli's face Scarlet just searched his eyes for a long moment letting her fingers run over the lines in his face. 

   "You know I was thinking...about cutting back on work a little bit. Being away so much is starting to wear on me because...I actually have something I want to be home for now."

Leaning up to give him a kiss she let it linger for a long moment before pulling away again and letting her head rest on the pillow on the couch. She had been thinking about this a lot lately and it just seemed like a good time now to say something. 

   "I wouldn't quit altogether, but maybe take some jobs closer to home and only travel every once in a while, at least for now. That would mean less money though, so if you go through with having your own shop...maybe I could help do paperwork or something."

Getting up early Brooke got ready for the day. She took a little extra care to at least look nice, but not to much since she was just going to help Tal move so she was going to get sweaty and dirty. Grabbing the keys Scarlet left her and her purse Brooke was off.

After getting just a little lost trying to find her way to Tal's place Brook finally did. She hope it would be there and not think she wasn't coming. Putting her sunglasses on the top of her head she knocked and waited adjusting her denim jacket a little.