April 15, 2017


Relief swept over Zan as he slowly took the locket from Destiny. Looking at it a moment, he closed it tightly in his hand and nodded. "I, um... it hangs on my rear view mirror. When I crashed, I found it and put it in my pocket. It must have slipped out when I was in your car." 

He sat back and slipped it into an inside pocket of his jacket, which he zipped closed. "There... safe and sound. Thank you. I was sure it was totally lost." It was one of the few things he had that was precious to him, and while it wouldn't have been the end of the world to lose it, it really would have upset him.

He cleared his throat and looked over a menu. "I think... meat lovers sounds like a good idea."

"Here you go." Carson came with their drinks. "Know what you want?"

"How about a medium meat lovers? With extra bacon?"

Carson nodded and retrieved the menus. "You got it. Shouldn't take too long."

"Thanks." Zan straightened and shed his jacket, hanging it on the back of his chair. Folding his hands on the table, he looked across at Destiny. "So, found out it's gonna take a bit of work to get my car back up and running. Once it is though, you'll have to come back and see me race without crashing."

Justin frowned, but nodded at Hope's theory. "I think you may be right. He always comes back to losing her, and nothing else matters. I mean... I wouldn't know what to do without Beth but... I'd hope I could survive and not shoot myself."

He sighed. "I'm afraid if we bring Destiny in, it would just feed his obsession. Not to mention, I'm not sure I want to put Destiny through that." He shook his head. "Maybe we should try some mild medication. At least just enough that he's not in such a dark place and will talk. I've got to learn more about him so I can help."

As Scarlet rejoined him, Eli grinned. Turning, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in tight against him, his eyes sparkling playfully. "Thought you'd never ask..." Leaning in, he gave her lips a short but passionate kiss before pulling back and regaining his grin. "You know... you're gonna have to give me a lot more of those before you leave tomorrow, so they can tide me over til you get back."

With three working in the kitchen, it didn't take long at all to get all the sides together. It was such a nice evening, that they put the food out on the deck so they could enjoy the fresh air while eating. 

Tal parked alongside the curb and sighed before turning off the engine. He honestly didn't want to come... He didn't want to see Ryan and Hunter together again. Even Eli and Scarlet got to him a little, since he was the one left alone. But... after hanging out for ice cream recently, he knew he needed to move on. Somehow, some way, he needed to see Ryan without it bothering him so much. At least this way, he could just eat and run. Besides... he didn't have anything in his apartment that sounded good for supper anyway...

Out back, Hunter sat in a chair with Ryan sideways in his lap as they ate. Eli was perched on the railing to let Scarlet and Brooke have the other chairs, and the conversation was light with laughter as the guys swapped stories. It was a little crowded in the small space, but no one really minded. 

Tal had heard the laughter and figured out they were out back, and hesitantly rounded the corner of the house. Eli spotted him first. "Hey! You made it!" He really hadn't thought his friend would come. "Come on and grab some food."

Tal tucked his keys in his faded jeans pocket and wandered up on the deck. "Thanks." He offered Scarlet a small smile, and nodded his greeting to the others. 

"Mm..." Eli finished chewing and swallowing before gesturing to Brooke. "This is Brooke, Scarlet's cousin. Brooke, this is my buddy Tal."

Pausing his food gathering at the table, Tal reached over to offer her a polite handshake. "Nice to meet you." He didn't know hardly anything about her, other than she'd been in some sort of bad situation before Scarlet had brought her home with her. Once he had his food, he chose to sit down on the top step where he didn't feel so in the way.