April 30, 2017

Old and Boring

Destiny could help but be a little surprised. She had asked Zan if he wanted to go and hoped he would but in the back of her mind, she knew this really wasn't Zan's thing either. Knowing he was willing to do it with her though made her feel good. 

   "I think they are doing it all day. I've never been to an event like this so I don't know how it works really. We could always go to the five o'clock one."

Smiling her eyes twinkled as she took another sip of her coffee. This was a whole new adventure for her and so far she was really enjoying it. It was nice to that Zan didn't want to just do what he wanted to do but also was up for doing what she like.

   "Also I have no idea what movie they are showing, so if it's old and boring I'm sorry ahead of time."

Tucked in close to Hunter Ryan rested her head on his arm that was under her as she watched the movie. She really didn't know what all was going on though as she was just soaking in the affection from Hunter. 

Feeling the kiss on her cheek Ryan turned her head to give Hunter a returned kiss the best she could at the angle she was at before resting her head on his arm and giving a content sigh.

   "I'm happy he's not too. Love him to death, but it's kinda nice just being me and you."

Slowly walking Sam just let Aaron take his own pace. She knew he hated the face he couldn't walk very well and it broke her heart. She wished there was more they could do then what they were doing, but she new it just wasn't. They could keep just exercising it and letting it heal in time. 

Just watching him for a long moment Sam gave a small smile. She would get them to go to the late, just let Reese know, and they should be ok. She had to work on getting Aaron out of this slump she just had too.

Leaving the room she went and got some pain killers along with an ice pack for his knee she returned. Leaving again she kept the door open before heading to Reese's office to let him know what she would be doing next with Aaron this time she just wanted it to be them. She be armed and prepared like before but she wanted it to just be them. 

Next stop back to the security office where she would finish out her day. It felt like it had been a long one but really it hadn't been.